ai pacenotes (rally) v0.5.2-alpha

Rally pacenotes that can say anything.

  1. gmaksi83

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    Aug 5, 2013
    I created in photoshop for illistration.
    exactly what i want to use for this UI app if would be exist. but im not good to create a UI and programming!
    here is the illustration UI picture
    The icons taken from DirtRally if i remember good!
    #21 gmaksi83, Feb 22, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
  2. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Hey, I'm working on the next release, which includes some changes to make it easier to support your idea. Thanks!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. gmaksi83

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Thank you that you take a time to integrate that pacenote UI.
    Cant wait to try it!
    Just write to me if you need some help with something or testing!
  4. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    • Like Like x 1
  5. ehfMinus

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    Mar 4, 2024
    Howdy. I have a question. When creating a stage, is it possible to create pacenotes for a stage in reverse? I also really like gmaski83's UI addition idea for to make the mod more accessible to less seasoned players.
    #25 ehfMinus, Mar 14, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
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  6. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Hey! Unfortunately reverse isn't currently supported, but that's a good point. Actually, I don't think it would be too hard to support in the future. When the mod first started I was going to support reverse, but eventually I realized that pacenotes can't always be assumed to work in reverse, like the race and mission. But given that the race and mission already support it, I think we could have it so that a separate notebook is used when the mission is set to reverse.

    Good to know you like gmaski83's idea -- I'll put that towards the top of the list. With the latest changes it will be easier to support that.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. peripheralCBE

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    Mar 17, 2024
    I'm experiencing pacenote issues in the East Coast USA (Nordic Loop) Scenario. After the sawmill and subsequent asphalt section, I arrive at a dirt section for a short stretch where pacenotes stop completely. Last note received: '3 right tightens into square left.' There were no further calls after this point. I've also noticed many 'NO MESH' text in all ai pacenote scenarios for the default maps.
  8. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Hey, thanks for letting me know. I've been focusing on the pacenote-making tools for the last couple of releases, and some of the existing stages have broken. I'll get them updated for the next release.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Track Broseff

    Track Broseff
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    Aug 2, 2023
    Hello my friend, after recently attempting to create a stage with pace notes for my map mod "Xero Parklands" my game crashed and since then every single mission, base game or user made, have become both unplayable and un-editable. Any idea why this may be and how I should go about fixing it?

    Things I have tried:
    Restarting game
    Completely deleting the rally mod from my files
    Clearing Cashe
    Messing with world editor to rectify the problem

    Nothing against you or the mod btw, looks fantastic. Sometimes shit just happens

    Here is the Lua error when loading any map:
  10. Track Broseff

    Track Broseff
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    Aug 2, 2023
    After allot of debugging it is something to do with the quick race folder used for time trials. I belive I tried to add pace notes to one of these missions and that may have been the cause of the problem.
    --- Post updated ---
    Finished debugging it and good news! Nothing really was lost on my end however the one quick race where I did try to convert it to a rally mission for stage notes was the culprit. May be helpful for others to give a warning (Or maybe I missed an existing one and it was a skill issue on my part)
  11. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Wow, that sounds like an awful problem to encounter while you're the middle of some work.

    The line causing the error in scenario/quickRaceLoader.lua:443 is:

      table.sort(tracks, function(a,b) return < end)
    The error means or is nil. Hard for me to say how that happened without looking at your files.

    For converting an existing quick race to a rallyStage mission, I haven't actually done that myself so it would be good to understand how the error happened, then I can at least document it better.

    Would you be able to send me the quickrace files that caused the error? Thanks!

    (why is this being attached to my previous post???)
    RaceLink Update
    I posted a new release for RaceLink last night:

    It tries to address an issue where notebook changes aren't always getting picked up. After some testing, I think the issue might still be there. I have some other ideas to try in a new release.
  12. Track Broseff

    Track Broseff
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    Aug 2, 2023
    Sure thing! Here is the .race file that was causing me the issue (Hopefully it attaches properly)
    --- Post updated ---
    Just noticed while looking at this, is it because the .race is changed to no .? In which case that may be my fault entirely :p

    Attached Files:

  13. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    That could be it! The game would look for ParklandsStage11.race.json (with the extra dot), I'm pretty sure. I'll give it a test.
  14. hihiwillhihi

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    Mar 29, 2024

    Im having problems with my pacenote sounds not working and I'm not sure why, I've followed the website tutorial and made 2 different stages but my pacenotes just won't show up in race link.

    --- Post updated ---
    I can also see my notes in the primary.notebook but I cant hear them or see them in racelink

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot30.png
  15. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Hey and sorry about the issues.

    If pacenotes aren’t showing up in RL, here are some things to check.

    - make sure the file is called primary.notebook.json. Windows hides file extensions by default.
    - in RL settings, make sure your beam home is set.
    - can you see missions listed in RL? If not, then make sure your mission is set up right. The mission folder has to be at 0.31/gameplay/missions/<level>/rallyStage/<mission>/

    - in the rally ui layout, make sure the codriver app is present, as that is what plays the sound.

    Let me know if it still doesn’t work! Thanks
  16. Olmn

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    Apr 4, 2024
    Hi! So I've recently downloaded your stages and there's only one working (Conte Marlo). Some of them doesn't even load in, I end up in the main menu without any loading at all. Some of them load in but there's no pace notes or any countdown so the car is completely stuck at the starting point. I've downloaded the RaceLink app as well. Are the missions supposed to load in there because I can't see any, the rally page just keeps on loading forever. This is my settings Beam User AppData\Local\\0.31
  17. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Hey sorry about this ... but thanks for trying out the mod!

    So can you hear the countdown and notes for Conte Marlo? But you can't hear anything for Echo Canyon?

    I ask that because Echo Canyon and Conte Marlo are the only two stages that should be "good to go" at the moment. Since the mod is in alpha, some stuff is still changing under the hood, and I haven't had a chance to update all the stages with the new changes yet.

    If you can't hear anything, double check that the "Codriver" UI app is present in the "[aipacenotes] Rally" UI Layout. The Codriver app is what does the work of playing the codriver's voice.

    For RaceLink ... it only shows missions that are in the Beam User folder, not ones that come with the mod. That's just due to RaceLink being used only for creating stages. When the mod is zipped, RaceLink can't update any files. I think that could be what you're seeing!

    For example, if I'm working on the stages that come with the mod, then I will have the mod unzipped, and the stages moved to <beam user folder>/gameplay/.

    I will add a note in RaceLink about this.

    Let me know if you have the Codriver app, and if you can hear anything for Echo Canyon. Thanks!
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  18. Olmn

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    Apr 4, 2024
    Oh okay that explains it. I've just tried Echo Canyon and it's fully functional!
  19. dirtwheel

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    May 31, 2023
    Ok good to hear! Thats a relief.

    I'll get a new release out soon with the other stages fixed, and hopefully some new stages too.
  20. Boostbuster

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    Apr 18, 2024
    Hey, first off, I really enjoy the mod!
    I am currently working at two Stages for Italy and I am having Issues with Racelink:
    I followed your Step-by-Step-Guide on your Github and was able to create the Race and the Pacenotes. However, I can't generate the Pacenote Audio Files with Racelink. I can select my Stage/Mission there, if I change things like the Name of my Note File, it updates, but the only Pacenotes it loads are the Ten Default ones. I expect more Pacenotes as I have about 70 In primary.notebook.json. Thinking it was an Issue with my File, I loaded one of your finished tracks into Racelink and there it could only see the 10 Standard Pacenotes aswell. Upon starting the Race, I got for every Pacenote the Message, that it couldn't find the Audio File and checking the generated Pacenotes for primary and transcript_1705908704 shows that it only generated those Ten. If you need anything to fix the Issue, I am happy to provide it.
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