Active AWS

Discussion in 'Programming' started by SlickNick924, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. SlickNick924

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    Aug 19, 2018
    I am currently working on an SVX active all-wheel steer system and I am trying to create my own all-wheel steer script. This is being used with a modified ETK multi-link rear suspension. With little knowledge of the actual mathematics behind all-wheel steer and plain guessing, is this effective at all? The desired effect is that the aws system recognizes if the car is making a hard turn or over/understeering, so air speed is averaged with wheel speed and yaw, pitch, and roll are recorded.

    -- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the bCDDL, v. 1.1.
    -- If a copy of the bCDDL was not distributed with this
    -- file, You can obtain one at
    local M = {}
    local function onInit()
        electrics.values['4ws'] = 0
    local function updateGFX(dt)
        if not electrics.values['steering_input'] then return end
        local speed = electrics.values["wheelspeed"]
        local dirVector = obj:getDirectionVector()
        local dirVectorUp = obj:getDirectionVectorUp()
        local airSpeed = electrics.values["airspeed"] / 2
        local steer = -electrics.values['steering_input']
        local roll = math.abs(dirVectorUp.x * -dirVector.y + dirVectorUp.y * dirVector.x) / 2
        local pitch = math.abs(dirVector.z)
        local absSteer = math.abs(steer)
        local rws = 0  
        if airSpeed <= 24 then
            speed = speed + (speed * 0.75)
        if math.abs(roll) > pitch then
        rws = (((speed + airSpeed) / 2 - 12) / 10) * absSteer
        rws = (math.sin(absSteer * 1) * math.cos((absSteer * 3.3))) * 1.21
        rws = rws * fsign(steer) --Use the sign of the steering input to know the sign of rws output
        electrics.values['4ws'] = rws
    -- public interface
    M.onInit      = onInit
    M.onReset     = onInit
    M.updateGFX = updateGFX
    return M
    #1 SlickNick924, Jun 1, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
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