WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Just to say, yes, YES you CAN make this JUMP!
    1st shot showing the vehicle (old reliable tester!) clearing the far side of the freeway with a good car-length in height over the sound-barrier fencing.
    2nd shot showing the jump at the end of this alley. This area is already in the current beta and the alley has been there over a year IIRC.
    3rd shot is taken from within the alley you will speed down for this jump, the jump being a harsh rise at the end just before the fence.

    You could easily get what I'd reckon is a half-mile of running room here, and you might not need but half that with a FAST car. This is the type of thing I love to build into my maps. It makes it FUN and gives you those spontaneous diversions that reward you for exploring every nook and cranny.
    To that end, you never know what you'll find, hidden or just plain out in the open, in Los Injurus. Akin to hunting for secrets in the original 1993 DOOM, which I personally did a ton of. Eventually I'll figure out how to script in all the jumps, cinematic cameras for them, and an award system that just tells you if you found some/most/all of the deliberate jumps that were designed specifically with this type of fun in mind. The default game now has a ton of scripted spectator-camera jumps like GTA had, so it's not as difficult as it would have been when I started this project.

    1st shot below, BUG BUG BUG, don't know why this building texture broke but another identically textured (but reshaped slightly) building in it's class didn't (each building usually has a few varieties so I get more mileage out of the texture with excess monotony). This is why I haven't released this yet, and I haven't even run the slimmer tool (almost there! almost there!).
    2nd shot: the inside of the receiving area of the grocery store, where you can fully back in a truck and load/unload pallets and goods with a forklift. Forklift grocery goodies and pallet set each sold separately. :) This is just to show, yes I check these, and yes it's working. Don't hit pallet racks fast or you will get jumbled up in it, though the collision is slightly larger than it shows to help thwart thin triangles eating cars/props.
    3rd shot: The gas-station pump-island texture is no-longer broken, probably to the relief of public-beta users. No more of that nonsense. This was fixed a little while back after it was reported twice.
    4th shot: Two blocks of curbing were placed here recently, may have forgotten to show this previously so here it is! There's also a traffic light at the end of the on/off ramp where it terminates on the main 5-lane road, the ramps are at the bottom of the two-block-long road here.
    5th shot: The mall, a few years after making this, I notice many things wrong that I will address in the not-to-distant future. First-off, the inside can get a little more detailed, the floor texture needs blending (this was reported, thanks! I didn't forget this), the rubble texture is way too zoomed in and thus looks off if you stare at it for more than a second, the rusty-metal overhang texture (also on part of the facade) is missing it's normal/specular (or PBR equivalents) and thus looks washed-out in the sunshine, and lastly, a brick texture that repeats too readily on the facade and also the top of the brick planter (retaining) walls is too 'blue' because of an out-dated specular map compression format (this changed a year or two ago).
    6th shot: That same facade brickwork, at medium texture detail. This is probably MORE than I need to have resolution-wise (clarity/detail) than even needed on highest texture detail levels, and very likely pigging VRAM even though it repeats like crazy and isn't all that satisfying to look at due to such when at medium distance. So when I optimize VRAM use as I develop, I often will cut-down textures like this by half (in x and in y axis) to make room for three more OTHER different textures (plus the first one, so FOUR total) while still consuming the space of 1 previous higher-resolution texture and it's layers (roughly, file headers and the occasional reflection map or illumination map can bloat it ever-so-slightly even if rarely used).
    7th shot: The old Packard plant (now torn down some/all of it) needs more texture layers as did the rusting steel on the mall overhang. The road's sidewalk texture here is unrealistically dark and needs to blend into the terrain and surrounding normal road pieces better. The asphalt texture will also get changed on the road surface, but that is not nearly as urgent right now.
    8th shot: One of the newest models has issues with texture-normals not facing the right way, causing darker or black areas on the face. However, since these are only on the back, they won't be addressed prior to the beta shipping. It will be fixed soon however. Not a game-induced bug. This is a Maya export bug, and I have to re-export it after making sure I have the object facing correct (by re-doing it in req'd spots).
    9th shot: Fixed retaining wall covered by terrain (this broke when the tunnel cut-outs broke within the last year maybe). There might be another spot or two like this, so keep an eye out just as I will do so.
    10th shot: The roof of the Flockheed building (skyscraper) has a bit of a gap in the top roof on the side that is central to the building. This won't be fixed before the beta, but will be later on in development when I go ahead and add in the underground parking garage.

    Not shown: Some minor texture issues, minor collector road texture color settings mismatch, airport concourse/terminal texture issue, airport runway and taxiway wear-texture causing hazy look, and a few AI snafus etc. There's quite a few.
    Right now I've got a good two-dozen bugs or more to fix, and will be doing so over the next 48 hours, which I will then devote 4 hours to running the slimmer tool. Wish it would work on me, too, as I could use to lose a good 20 pounds. It would help!
    Hopefully I can get a bunch of these fixed before the end of tomorrow or Sunday afternoon at the latest.
    Just wanted to list these, plus than I can double-check it later to make sure I didn't forget anything (which I would).
    --That's all right now.
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  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    *note: NOT FIXED Brick texture on planter at mall just turned out to be a picture with discoloration, will replace this in time, it can stay for now
    *Added several missing or unreferenced textures into the texture indices including one @AlexKidd71 mentioned to me (plasterdirty0324_grey, also added plasterdirty0324_beige while I was at it). Used existing masonary normal/specular maps I already had from similar materials - looks much better! Alex, I appreciate your kind support/dedication with your map slimmer tool. It really helped that you listed the textures here!
    *Fixed the mismatched (conflict with base game) airport texture that was pointing to the garage building folder but that wasn't even the right place in the game itself, so I changed it, hopefully it stays fixed (these are always iffy, I often rename these textures, files, and repoint model references eventually to avoid it popping back up). Will re-check a few times as I package and slim the mod to see if it has an issue again.
    *Above texture fix for airport building texture also fixed a building roof that had no-texture or no-material. Don't know why but it did.
    *Fixed runway textures 'sort of'. I can do a better job on this later, but they're not so washed-out now.
    *Added normal mapping and specular mapping to the metal rusting texture at the mall.
    Already fixed the majority of bugs, now will work out what kind of trash the AI is trying to pull on me and make sure it isn't acting up in too many spots. A few bugs here and there with AI are bound to happen, but it should work 98% of the time + AI works best on the highways, where it matters quite a lot. Some fixed bugs were not mentioned in the list above as they were either fixed when fixing the rest of the bugs, or they are just too much to remember right this second with my wretched memory (sorry, my brain sucks lately for that).
    This went right-quick without too much issue (yet), if the rest of it goes alright (or at-least this well or close to it) I should have zero issue putting out the next release/update. I still have almost a 24hr time buffer to do things I need or remember any last minute stuff besides running the slimmer (which should be better to use now that I not only finally downloaded the newest version but fixed missing references in texture indices also).

    I will most likely include my player vehicle configuration (old Pessima) in the map distribution, as an added freebie. While it's far from the fastest thing in this simulation/game, it's certainly very VERY forgiving of 'keyboard driving' (for those who don't have a wheel/pedals set) so I use it super-often. I don't have room for a wheel setup in here at my editing station.
    This will likely be the last release before I implement PBR support depending on how the project funding looks mid-month. I want PBR everything as bad as the next guy / anyone else, but it's a whole new can of worms to make bugs galore and I'm not 100% looking forward to the mess it will inevitably make. It will look quite nice when it's done though, at-least if the in-game map upgrades with PBR are any indication.
    Thank-you to all for your generosity/support and continued patience. I just want this to work, as uploading a broken mess doesn't help anyone.
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  3. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    New jug-handle, since this was never finished in the first place after what, two years? Well it's here, it's done, and it's got AI.

    Now you can simulate being inconvenienced in a whole new way (well, the map sort-of already has one not far from here, but whatever).
    You need to use this jug-handle versus making a left at the intersection here (last shot shows it best). This might even help prevent the giant wreck that happened here during testing from happening again - or probably not. But whatever, it definitely turned out okay.
    --That is all for now.
    (I think I've fished out most of the bugs, but there's always tomorrow)
    FIXED ANOTHER TRAFFIC LIGHT IN THE ROAD PROBLEM! The one by the speed-hump filled road (the one with a bunch of them, that goes through the town-house development right along the highway).
    I keep checking for more of these and not finding them until I'm about to drive into it at good road speeds.
    #2543 bob.blunderton, Apr 9, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
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  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    OK, so I didn't find any more legendary-class bugs with this. Other than some dumb AI moves, but this varies* by game version greatly.
    I've finished 95% of the AI testing. When it's cooler tonight (it's rather nice out today, so it gets rather warm in here right-quick when I run the game - especially anything with AI or 3D video) I will run another hour or so of AI tests (running 30~40+ vehicles), and see what's up with it.
    Sad thing is, is while I mention HEAT as an issue when it's warm out if the air-con isn't on, while this 16-core chip gets this room with the computer up to 80F very fast if it's at-least 70F outside, the intel Haswell-era chip (4790k quad core, used it until 8/2019 before this one) actually heated up this room quicker... by contrast the 3700x (octa-core Ryzen) I had before upgrading to the 3950x I have now (and will have for a while) not only ran much cooler, but also was normally completely silent / barely a whisper when in use at 100%. I didn't even know it was on and could barely sleep as there was no computer fan sound (which I'm used-to since the mid 90's, there was always a computer in my bedroom, I worked hard in construction even as a kid when not in school to pay for computer stuff, games, anything that files under an 'I want' and not an 'I need' type of thing. That's partly why my body is toast though... it does come at a cost).
    *Seriously, I can't even begin to determine what is my fault with the AI doing stupid moves, or what is programmed, or what 'just happens' due to the number of vehicles or the time of day or what side of the motherboard the CPU woke up on. So I'm hesitant to wrangle with the AI pathing too much when I know it normally works decently enough. I did fix another screwy 4-lane to 2-lane transition on a road winding up the mountain over the Line City close to Worst Buy last night though - at-least, I think I fixed it. It works better now, before it didn't work at all. Like I said, it changes how they act with each game version, and I followed the dev's examples in WCA with roads that do the same thing absolutely by-the-book. When the game hits 1.0 or close to it, and I notice a consistent problem with my setup(s), then I will finesse them a little more. That said worry not, the map has mostly complete AI pathing, maybe about 20~25% of lanes total on SOME roads aren't done, but there is ALMOST ALWAYS some form or another of AI pathing on all roads, sometimes even in basement parking garages (I try to put some there so police/AI can chase you in there). E.G. Some 3 lane routes might only have two lanes of AI pathing there, as doing 3 lanes per side was messy until recently, but the AI can still use it. Newer 3 lane roads built in the last year+ will have all 3 lanes or more done with AI so that it uses all lanes. Darker wear-patterns in roads indicate AI pathing is present, but these dead-give-away wear pattern textures are only used about half the time, as often the AI path isn't visible and is just underneath the road by a few CM (and also when it goes over bridges, through tunnels, etc). Sometimes that pattern (such as on highways, bridges and concrete tunnel routes) is also baked into the texture such as on the newly-created 'old concrete bridge' texture. So it's not always clear-cut. I try to be consistent but some roads have the delineation and asphalt surface as part of a whole puzzle piece with sidewalks and all. I later switched over to just using modular curb and sidewalk as, while more time consuming, gave greater variety of road surface/more immersion/ more freedom in design - especially with hills.

    I hope this ramble helped. Later tonight after the sun goes down, The Bob will be busy using the slimmer tool and setting the map to upload. This way tomorrow sometime (if all goes well and I find no show-stopper bugs, and if the slimmer-tool doesn't murder half the map's textures/assets) I can send out supporter beta links. It will still be called the Good Friday release.
    --That is all. Hope you all had a happy Easter despite me backing over the stupid bunny last week. Oops. It's fur makes a wonderful hat though, despite the big black tire tread mark on it.
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  5. XxsymphonyxX43

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    Apr 7, 2023
    found possible errors with the new update 0.28 interfering with the map

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    • errors.png
  6. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015

    I should hopefully have the public version updated by Friday, as the version you're using here still uses TSH (somewhat random project code-name). TSH path hasn't been used for at-least the last year or so. The new updated version uses a different path, and has updated stuff with less conflicts.
    I appreciate you reporting this, however. It's always helpful when folks report bugs VS me taking forever to find them all on my own.

    So I went to run the map slimmer...
    BOOM! File not found exception! Blank box in-stead of program. Trying to update it (having same issue as before with broken connection periodically).
    Will continue the work (and will upload) tomorrow when I get back from town (donation run for the church, taking food to the homeless shelter / soup kitchen). I put a message over to the author of the tool and I'll see what he says tomorrow. If nothing, I will try some more things myself. I'd have just copied the script files/indices over to the slimmed version but I changed too much stuff including some things that weren't outright broken as far as graphic settings go. Didn't really plan for this, but when the last version ran fine aside of some bugs with what got removed and didn't (my fault, or overlooked things in my map or even the program), I didn't really foresee an issue running the update. If anything, I will make sure to do the best I can over here despite this. So I let it download an update (which it does while simultaneously giving me a blank box in the main window), and it goes 16kb a second with a random chance to get stuck while trying to download mid-way through the file, causing me to have to try again, and again, and again.
    IF I should still fail to do this after tomorrow is up, then I will run a texture down-scaler and replace some/most of the model files with compressed versions to keep it under the MEGA and BeamNG limits.
    And the download timed out again. Well, I will give it one last chance tonight. This satellite internet is the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life, and I'm going to make a campaign, in any media or thing I make, to tell the world just HOW BAD it has been so that fewer folks will make the same mistake I did.
    It would have sure been nice if the program told me just WHICH FILE is missing, corrupted, or not found. Then I could at-least try to be successful at fixing it. However, just 'exception error on file not found' does absolutely no good at all, and might as well have said 'it's broken and doesn't work'.
    I mean, what's the point of even having an error box if it doesn't inform you of what caused the error? Sorry if this sounds like a rant, but honestly, isn't that box supposed to inform me of something so I can possibly try to fix it? It might as well say 'Haha no work for you!' at this rate.
    I WILL figure something out. My hands are a bit tied right now, but there are other tools besides slimmer, though from other games. Hopefully something out of the map-file size-reducing tool-set works better than taking a whiz on an electric fence, even if only marginally less shocking/revolting. Sorry, couldn't resist that real shocker of a line there. At-least when you do that you SEE what is wrong, even if all that is wrong has been illuminated by your skeleton flashing on and off rapidly/repeatedly.
    The map will be out as soon as I get it through the slimmer tool and get a functioning map out the other side, or as soon as I get it to something less than 4~5gb in zipped form using another tool.
    This is why The Bob absolutely positively hates saying he'll release something by a certain date. Because, well, one thing goes wrong, and then another, and another. This is the way it happens around here and is nothing new. I'll figure it out, I usually do sooner or later.
    Got around the error, uploading...

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    • 16kb_per_sec.png
    #2546 bob.blunderton, Apr 10, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023
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  7. DontKnowWhy186

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    Aug 2, 2022
    $145 per month for internet as bad as yours! You should have switched long ago to gigabit internet. My dad spends around 30 to 40 pounds a month for download speeds of up to 150 megabits per second and upload speeds of up to 30 megabits per second. I'm still waiting for that update but am very happy to wait if it means FPS improvements over the last update.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The FPS SHOULD be better, doesn't promise it will be, but should be a touch better. HOWEVER, there's also a lot more content, and bugs with certain graphics are fixed so those won't slow things down somewhat randomly in various spots (like near the airport).
    It can still get slow at times on 8gb cards over here on medium if you run enough traffic and other stuff in the background (it walks the line of 8gb pretty tightly with traffic especially if you use dozens of vehicles), but you should be good most of the time. So adjust the settings as-needed, though I wouldn't turn mesh detail down off max if possible.
    I am continually optimizing as I go so that things don't hit the pits with FPS at all during development.
    Still on Ryzen 3000-series CPU/500-series platform over here (with 3000mhz CL-15 memory), nothing fancy by today's rate, so my system should be a bare-minimum and it's always playable here. 95~98% of the time it's really smooth (50~60fps or higher) and a few % of the time it gets dodgy and only usually over by the airport (20~40fps for a bit). I will probably have this machine for a few years yet (3+), as it seems a good baseline for what a majority of people have (aside of having a lot of cores, the per-core speeds are relative to a lot of machines less than 5~10 years old).
    If things get too pokey for some people, I do expect to hear back about it, and I will work with things and see if I can remedy the situation(s) in short order. Right now there's not enough slowdown, and it is not consistent enough, for me to even try to address aside of look for obvious bugs in graphics (like non-power-of-2 or bad formats). Rest assured I will catch it eventually, but also rest-assured the days of running high graphics on 8GB cards are already numbered, and have been for a while - not just in this game-engine either. The Last of Us and some other games require more than that even at 1080p. Guess Nvidia isn't going to be too happy when their 8gb 4060 that replaces a 12gb 3060 / 8gb 3070 doesn't sell so well.
    I am adding this SAFE FOR WORK (SFW) VIDEO by Hardware Unboxed, showing the pitfalls of buying new 8gb cards. Please don't be like me, with both a 2070s 8gb, and a RX 480 8gb card that while is less powerful and does not have DLSS/RT features, keeps up fairly well due to also have 8gb of VRAM - except the 480 is from 2016. It's 2023, please don't run out and buy an 8gb card unless you absolutely cannot afford something better (to which I totally understand).

    New games that have come out in the last few months, and what is coming out, including this project, will require 12~16gb of VRAM for 1080p/1440p. RT/DLSS adds 10% (plus or minus a bit) more to the requirements of games as far as VRAM goes.

    Update will probably be out in a few hours. It's 3.3gb and it IS STILL UPLOADING. It says it'll take 2~3 hours, could be longer, not sure. When it's done uploading, I will release to testers. IF they say it is good enough, it will go to public servers probably near the end of the week.
    #2548 bob.blunderton, Apr 10, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023
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  9. Ascendancy

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    Apr 15, 2020
    Really looking forward to this next update. I haven't been following the progress of it too much lately, but I am glad to see an updated public release will be made here soon. I'll have to take an ETK with a V8 out for a drive when it does make it to the public. The progress I have seen through going through the thread recently does look very good (jug-handle intersection is very interesting to someone who has never seen one in real life, being on the west coast of the USA), and I can only give my utmost respect. It's just very awesome to see a map maker who has this kind of attention to detail when it comes to just about everything.
  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Well I thank you highly for your support of the project! I am glad you find my attention to detail adds immersion and realism to the map. I try to do my best to make things as realistic/immersive as possible, as triple-A game companies can't always seem to get all the things right when it comes to realistic road networks to drive around upon. It's just something I understand a lot about (maybe I don't know everything but I do pay attention and continually learn), so I find that making maps for a driving simulator is the best-fit case for someone who likes / understands about infrastructure in general (not just roadways or highways, but everything infrastructure-related is of interest to me).
    Unlike many, I won't be putting this map project down anytime soon. Breaks I take are the bare-minimum, and only as much as needed to keep real-life in-check and my sanity in-check, too. I will however be taking a little time away to work on Roane County's compatibility update sometime in the near future though. It's merely just to make textures work so the map maintains what immersion it has, and can then still be enjoyed by many.

    Patreon supporter update has been made live and sent out.
    If you support the map, check your email for an update or go to the site itself for the link. Map zip size is currently 3.3gb.
    For those supporters, contributors, and other folks who get beta access, please let me know of any serious issues regarding the map. I need to know ASAP so I can forward this to the public servers or fix what needs fixed and THEN maybe we can try this again.
    Hopefully it's all-good this time around sans a traffic snafu here or there (as to be expected).

    That is all for right now. I will be rather involved in real-life matters for most of the week, so if I don't get back to you/anyone right away, do know I will get back to you ASAP when I am here.
    Thanks to all for your continued support. I highly appreciate it and I am doing what I can to make this map awesome for all of us. This is the vision of what this 'game' (or simulator) world should have been from the get-go, and it will only get better in time.
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  11. simsimw

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    Nov 23, 2022
    Great! Can’t wait for this update
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  12. simsimw

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    Nov 23, 2022
    Rebuilding my entire desk setup with LEDs, hopefully I’m done by tomorrow (if the update releases)
  13. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Well, enjoy the light-show. One word of caution: If your computer or computer desk (or anything at it for that matter) is in the room in which you sleep (one of my computers is, am physically disabled), the BLUE LIGHT from the LED's (if any) can and will keep you awake. Your brain interprets blue light as BE AWAKE NOW signal. It can cause you issues in that department and also affect sleep quality. Having red or green LED's or something clearly away from the blue spectrum will prove helpful, as will being able to shut them off when not needed. Just thought I'd mention that (my computer only has a tiny tiny little strip of LED lights on the motherboard at the sata ports, that doesn't show unless you look directly into the case with the side panel off, this is by intention as I didn't want any in there at all, but the motherboard was a quick-PC-blew-up-gotta-fix-it and was what the nearest store had).
    I tried looking for a plain green motherboard but unless I wanted a low-end of quality OEM (HP/Lenovo/Dell) motherboard, not even Tyan or SuperMicro could help me. The Asus Pro b550/a520 business motherboard wasn't available at the time either. I would have loved to do a beige case with a 5.25" floppy on the front (not hooked up) and green components, but alas, I was up the creek.
    I did, however, buy a bucket of beige paint last time I was at the hardware store, since they were STILL out of Dalmation paint (wtf!?).
    They didn't have any plaid paint either, and began to give me looks like I was nuts. I couldn't believe the nerve of some people!
    Ah well, tomorrow is another day.
    See, now I went off on a tangent again, there I go typing away a book. I'm sorry folks, I gotta quit doing that.
    DO enjoy the snazzy new desk setup. I gotta build mine, it's pieces are in the garage. I can't build it until the public repo version of this map gets updated with a WORKING version! Maybe I'll have room for a steering wheel / pedals then, finally. Might not though, I'm pretty well packed into this room the PC is in right now so as it is.

    Speaking of update (if you didn't skip to this part, shame on you if you did, WHERE'S THE LOVE?), I filed a request for update on the Los Injurus PUBLIC resource with the same version of the map that was sent to supporters this week. It'll take a day or two to get updated if the staff isn't too busy. If they're busy or do not get to it in time, it could be MONDAY before it gets updated, or possibly TUESDAY etc. However, I have done what is needed on my end to get the staff set to permit the THICC 3.3x GB map file to be put onto their server with an appropriately updated description (if I didn't mess it all up, who knows, as it's late and well that never bodes well).

    However, I will not be repeatedly pesting the staff until I get ban-hammered outta here, I will let them do their thing.
    A little patience and you'll be playing the new version with lots of new stuff to crash into, and hopefully no more of the traffic-light-planted-in-the-middle-of-the-road or missing-texture problems the first / second private beta release candidates had. I really *HOPE* I got them all, but with 100's of miles of roadways to test, some having two separate sides (divided highways/roadways, a lot of those here), it's possible one was missed, and also possible some random objects may be floating about due to the map's perpetual development cycle (though they're out of the way in barren fields or underground and hence hidden). The AI should be fully working and a large improvement over the old stuff, however, it may not be perfect, so use caution so you don't ham it up when/because the AI does.
    That's all for right now, but it's good news and better than just a progress update for once!

    Sorry there's no pictures, but what do I take a picture of? The file, my crammed desk, my boring black box PC with no LED's? My PC is intended to be boring, for what it's worth, it's intentional as it's a WORK-station. The only meaningful light in my PC is a battery-operated light-switch LED thing I got at the tool store for < 3$, which I flip on when I work on it, which is the only time it needs light. This is much alike to the fridge, microwave, stove, or numerous other things. What good are all those LED's if they're not on the ONE time you really NEED them when you are fixing something or installing a new drive (may The Lord be with you if you drop one of those tiny little M.2 screws, and don't use electrical tape + M.2 to PCI-E adapter like I resorted to, I cheated!).
    Thank-you highly to those who have supported / donated to the map project, or contributed in some way shape or form to the effort of realizing a large AAA-sized city / game environment in BeamNG Drive, if for the sole reason to prove that it not only CAN be done with reasonable FPS, but that it can be just as enjoyable (if not more, I hope!) as any other stock environment. If it should lack in some way shape or form, and you haven't seen it discussed recently, please bring it up and tell me how I can go about improving it (or at-least give me a hint, I need this valuable info from someone else's eyes or perspective!). I hope this map supported by the community that is made for said community is everything everyone can wish for. In the event anyone has issues, I will not be posting progress shots for a few days to a week, so there is plenty of room to complain, offer recommendations, scold me / swear at me whoops can't do that, drop a piano on me again, laugh at me on my riding mower being stuck 10 meters up a tree, or tell me what you like about the map etc like normal people not stuck in a tree with said mower. There is also time to discuss any issues you may or may no-longer have when it comes to running the map, and if there's an issue, please list as much about your computer config as possible as this helps me help you.

    *me to an unknown female actor* "But Honey, you told me to trim the trees?"

    *neighbors* "Abner, Abner! Come look what the blundering idiot neighbor of our's is doing! Quick Abner LOOK!!!"

    Kudos to you if you know where I got the idea for the last line of commentary (you're probably my age - 41 - or older yet).
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  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    bob.blunderton updated (City of) Los Injurus with a new update entry:

    Los Injurus City, Good Friday '23 Update

    Read the rest of this update entry...
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  15. 1M_Funny_Things

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    Mar 10, 2022
    Wait, the update is out?! yeess!!!!!!!!
  16. JoshD

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    Dec 31, 2020
    First off, wow, well done. Seriously, this map needs to be included in the game when finished.

    Now, for the bugs:
    I think you said you're still working on the AI so I wasn't expecting it to work completely but either way I'll report it. It's buggy, it likes to wander out of lane in some areas at intersections (went to the far left & made a right turn). Also, it loves blowing though intersections, it's not all the time but it will run some of the ones with stop signs.

    I did also notice some floating artifacts around the map as seen below.

    As it was just released I haven't been playing on it long yet so I'll post more if I find them.

    Again though, very well done & a very fun map.
  17. CaptainNoobacus

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    Feb 2, 2020
  18. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    The map does have AI, but it bungles things, and it also is not 'aware' of stop signal phases or stop signs. It just handles intersections in a generic manner currently. I am waiting for the stop signal features to improve so they're not only final but a tad easier to work with. It may wander out of lanes or go far left to turn right, that's more with how the game combines roads automatically at intersections, or it's me not understanding some underlying change that's happened with the AI more recently.
    Random floaty things? Yes, that happens, sorry, really thought I got them all. At the same time, spending almost 24 hours re-uploading the entire 3.3x GB map to clear one floater isn't on the top of things I am looking forward to doing (maybe in a couple weeks though when I have better internet?).
    In all seriousness, the AI does need work, but it functions *alright*. It does keep you on your toes, though. The floaty things, well, when I get enough bug reports in, I will try and handle those things. It's hard to remember them all after I'm done working on stuff.
    Generally it's 11gb with no or light traffic, up to 12gb with heavy traffic. The screenshots were taken at medium, so you will find it's mostly fine to run the game at that setting. You will have plenty of video memory left-over on medium. This also goes for several other new games (including 'The Last of Us' and some other games out recently), so keep an eye on that VRAM usage.
    If it gets SLOW, turn down graphics and restart the game. You can leave mesh detail on high/max however, that doesn't hurt anything. You'll notice it, it'll either be good at 60fps+ or it'll be 20~25fps (or less), it's like hitting a switch with no middle ground.
    I'm not even remotely considering a video card purchase myself until I can get a 16gb one, because I had exceeded this 8gb card THREE YEARS AGO.
    So if anyone 'on the fence' about purchasing a GPU is considering anything less than 12gb; please don't, save yourself the pain - time - and money. I am not trying to sound high-and-mighty either, I just don't want to spend hundreds on a new GPU to have it do the exact same thing to me. That would surely be a take from the Self-Loathing manual.
    Usages given are approximate, and will vary by driver, card model, OS, and game version / map version. So put it on high, drive around for a half hour, if it doesn't get wacky slow, then you're probably good on that setting. If it suddenly goes to half FPS and doesn't stop after 2~4 seconds, then consider hitting MEDIUM textures on options menu and restart the game. The map was designed to use up-to-16gb on high textures, as I knew it wouldn't be done for a while, and because, well, who wants mud textures? (This isn't a Quake mod!) Graphics requirements are subject to change, and will between versions, so if it gets too slow, knock down that graphics detail. You'll still have minimum 2k road textures at medium (measured across two to four lanes of traffic) and that's currently as-good-as or better than GTA V is on high.
    Let me know how it performs.
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  19. Kreunz

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    Mar 13, 2014
    Loving the update so far. The performance isn't bad either. The ai however seems to drive too fast at some spots, for example at the airport and ignore the speedbumps, causing them to go flying. The bumps also feel too large, causing cars to bottom out on it.
  20. 2020CorollaXSE__

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    Dec 30, 2019
    Dang if thats the case I guess I'll ask for a new GPU for my birthday since my RTX 3060 Ti with 8 GB of ram I actually have no idea why they only made the regular 3060 have a 12 GB ram option like what might get a 4070 or something because I really want to play The Last Of Us on PC ever since I got it for my PS4
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