unlike you szanto doesn't have to be chronically online, checking the forums every 30 seconds and has something called a life.
I don't understand where the money grab is. It's a functional mod. It's an original design. Has some flaws but nothing that makes it unusable. If he never fixes it I still won't regret buying it.
Maybe once in a few months, though? Perhaps? Is that too much to ask for? I feel like I dodged a bullet not buying it considering the statements from other forum users.
The paid mod model isn’t a fail entirely, however it appears to have failed in this specific circumstance. Edit: Somewhat failed. A quality mod was still delivered, and it still functions well today.
This was the first paid mod I've bought. Don't regret it, only issue is that the race suspension is a little wonky in certain cases. Really isn't a scam at all, I still love the thing!
In this scenario, yes In scenarios where the modder did a patreon cashgrab with meshslaps, yes But it works just fine for the Signia and the Picnic, so as long as: -The modder isn't trying to scam you -The modder never dissapears for reasons beyond their control then yeah no its a fine system Besides, the Mondello is functional and isn't broken, so it's not really bad
I have some feature suggestions for the Mondello and Picnic... Imperial gauges for US and UK drivers, and maybe right hand drive interiors for the markets that have them (UK, Japan, some European countries, etc)
Honestly what sorta failed me initially was something not part of the mod (Gumroad) Honestly this car has got some kick to it, especially with TC
The paid mod model was always doomed to fail, or rather; to succeed. Because for the system to suceed means the eventual parasitation of BeamNG modding. Any system with money in the equation will eventually devolve into a system of content and things produced for the sake of profit, replacing passion with monetization, especially prevalent in game modding. Low quality paid mods have definitely existed before, but the Picnic normalized such a system and made it more socially acceptable to the community. I will say though, "don't hate the player, hate the game". And I hate the game that might ensue. It's a slippery slope, one which we accepted in it's infancy and get to relish the late-stage consequences.
What if I told you that the spectrum you've just made up doesn't exist? Could you imagine that someone could be passionate about something and could want to monetize it at the same time? Or that whoever would want to make paid mods just for money most probably wouldn't do it otherwise (and it would be clearly visible from the effort put in their mods)? Better yet, could you imagine that throughout the last year there were not more than ten paid mods shared here, on the forum, yet we have at least ten posts a day (often getting close to a hundred) about how paid mods bad? With the devs' stance on paid mods being what it is, there's no point talking about it anymore. Some guy will stan some paid mod, some guy will make ridiculous claims about how paid content ended modding, new threads will appear, another mod will fall victim to all criticism focusing on the distribution model. Seeing how some people seem to only log in to complain about this one topic is quite concerning, if not sad. Can't you all get over it?
Exactly!!! you just need look at the likes of LJ and Lucas who have made very high quality handcrafted mods for only about £3 and then go compare them to complete and utter dog shit mesh slaps for £10+ that other people sell.
The problem with that argument is that monetary influence breeds innovation and competition. When people see LJ, LucasBE and others get paid for their good work they may be more inclined to make a mod for the game, and if the mod gets abysmal reviews and no one buys it, they'll get better. Although I agree this situation could put a stain on the paid mod scene
I did not mean to say that passion shouldn't be monetized. I meant that "monetize your passion" would become a very short phase in an eventual system of things made for profit. Look at wider society; do you really think all these low quality poop emoji pillows were made with "passion"? Similarly, look at the case of the sheer deluge of low quality meshslap "real world" cars sold for at times 50 pounds (!!) on Patreon! When "passion" and "monetizability" no longer intersect, the system will naturally select for "monetizability". Such a change, however seemingly small, will have effects on this modding community in which, in it's almost 10 years of existence, paid modding has been relegated to the sidelines, not mainstream at all. Paid content will not end modding. Paid content **may probably** turn modding into a scene where the ends become the means, where people make mods solely **for** profit, rather than a small side-point of "monetizing passion". Modding, in it's original form, was "unmonetized passion", where mods were made for "passion first" without any monetization or "barriers to access", because the creators wanted it to be enjoyed by the entire community, including the squealing freeloading children who can't pay for mods. But if mods are produced "for profit first", it robs all of the passion, and turns creativity into a commodity meant to "compete" with other commodities for the community's attention. Perhaps price regulation would solve the concerns which I have, but that would just end up turning the regulations into obstacles to be surmounted in the "game of modding economics". In my ideal world, mod's prices should be proportionate to their quality and effort, ideally nothing above 5-10 USD. But who would appraise each mod's monetary value? That person (or group of people) would have the power to game the system in their favor. --- Post updated --- Here, I use "system" to mean the "marketplace of mods". If a "good" mod idea is not as monetizable as a "bad" mod idea, then it will get pushed down by the forces of the market. The people with the power, knowledge, and resources to make mode "bad" monetizable mods will do so to gain more money. And I don't blame them, because everyone needs money to live and survive in society. Don't hate the player, hate the game. But I believe the "game" should be uprooted before it has the chance to metastatize.
Can we just talk about the Civetta Mondello in this thread instead of fights over paid mods clogging this thread up? If you wanna argue, do it somewhere else. If there is no progress on the mod, don't talk in the thread. Ok?
This thing reminds me of the Grotti Turismo from GTA IV for some reason on the rear. Pretty much a resemblance to a GTA car, as its something you would drive in Liberty City all day unless you crash it enought and then it ends up getting "Busted Down" by Cowboy Car Crushing.