Has anyone tested the camera path editor? I spent a couple hours setting the cameras for multiple replays, but the Save button didn't work. However, different camera paths were still accessible in the menu. So I said whatever and went to sleep and the next day when I went to record them, all of them were gone! Fortunately the replays were still there but no sign of camera paths. By the way I think it can be helpful if the time and car's color can still be changed in replay.
rhd cameras act like lhd cameras and dont look out the car when looking to the right. cleared cache, did integrity and safe mode
I did a 9.9 sec pass, opponent did a 7.6 sec pass, I lost the race, but got all 3 main objectives (without beating opponent's time). Also, the timeslip is bugged, winner is switched along with the +X.XXX time. Also, here is something really annoying: After selecting the vehicle brand for the drag race opponent, clicking back in this menu without selecting a model brings me back to the event screen, where my only options are to restart or reconfigure (time consuming). In the previous update, the back button brought me back to vehicle selection.
Bro the devs need to remove the ability from AI cars fucking running away from you if you're doing Garage to garage deliveries and the game gives you a police car, ffks dude, and now the devs made the fucking sirens turn on automatically, which makes the stupid ai cars stop on a 70, making you rear end them, especially if your car is some shit from the 50's
First off, stop the profanity. It's a bug thread, not a venting thread. Why don't you turn off the sirens? I say it's more realism tbh, if you don't know most drivers do drive like that. Just look at this video lol.
Collada Animations break if they play for too much frames Long animations like a flying object going around a path for ~10 minutes will break at heigh framerates, it may work fine at 60 but will get stuck at 140. Reducing Simspeed has a similar effect, Probably since it also increases the amount of overall frames the animation takes to complete The problem also exists for other people and is independent of DirectX or Vulcan rendering. This issue can’t be seen in the base game since there a no animations that play for such a long time, but a fix would be very useful/appreciated for my map making efforts ^^ Map the issue can be seen on: https://www.beamng.com/resources/autobahn-57k.33295/ Forum Thread: https://www.beamng.com/threads/animated-static-objects-break-at-heigh-framerates.102564/
Has anybody else realized the overtake signs in Italy are completely wrong? This is a no overtake sign just before a discontinued line And here's an end of no overtake sign right before a continuous line
we really need a suburst texture update or even a remaster as the textures... needs "some minor" work
Definitely not supposed to be like that. In this setup, you cannot overtake in both areas, first one due to the sign, second one due to the markings. Though I'd say the signs make more sense than the markings here, the visibility in the first area is a bit poor so it's unsafe to overtake, and the second section is more straight.
Not that I am an expert for traffic signs, but I think that a discontinued line would typically mean that overtaking is legal as long as there is no sign saying otherwise. As for the continued line - once it becomes a discontinued line and the 'no overtaking' has been canceled at any point before, overtaking is legal. So in the first case the sign overwrites the line and in the second the sign applies for the point where the line changes (I think). Hope I was able to clearly explain this
Dear developers, after the update, your game has become unplayable due to traffic. I've always loved riding among AI, but now cars in certain places have started to brake sharply and crash into each other. It's just impossible to play the game, the traffic used to behave better! I really hope that you will fix this mistake soon and I will be able to ride with the traffic again. Please make a new correction.
it also sucks so bad with chase. when i want some chase scene and i turn left or right, the damn car crashes into a pole that isnt even remotely near the car and it doesnt speed up to me even when im speeding at 40 mph, it just cruises. i remember playing with it in like v0.18 or v0.19 and it worked perfectly but now its just "helo im ai imma brake from 559759782058 mph to 0 in 1 second and crash into the pole 1 mile away from me"
Hey devs, I found an issue with the vents on the ground in the Sealbrik compound on West Coast USA. I found that driving over them at moderate speed will consistently cause flat tires, i tested in safemode with the ETK KC8 drift config and it resulted in the same thing happening, i believe the map coordinates would be X -581.979 Y -38.475 Z 100.651 if world editor is anything to go off of.
i got new idea for better paints as theyre kinda lacking in some areas! mica effect, i know we can simulate it with the clear coat, metallic and roughness but i cant get it to do it for my mod. flakes, the metallic exists so why not have some "additional paint detail" maps for the paints with a generic flake pattern that has an adjustable slider which varies the opacity of the texture when the metallic slider is turned up or down. pearl, automation has it and there is a mod for pearl on the repo. also, the sunburst interior looks so bad and needs atleast a texture update or a remaster. also, old race seat, hillclimb splitter lip things and wing, nearly all aftermarket steering wheels, piccolina gauges, base mirror material (the material named mirror not mirror_f, mirror_ce and mirror_cx), some police lights, snorkels, the car_trim/chrome, decals_police, fullsize_enginebay, gavril/wendover_lettering, glass_mirror/invisible, light_generic/dmg/on/on_intense, moonhawk_drag, oilcooler, pessima_engine, pushbars, some rollcage materials, screen_gps, skidplate, spotlight_police, towhitch, v8_classic_radiator, semi_lights/dmg/on/on_intense, tsfb_lights/dmg/on/on_intense, tsfb_reverselight/signal_l/signal_r,/taillight_r/taillight_l/tallight, utility_lights/dmg/on/on_intense, utility_taillight/r/l/r_b/l_b, utility_signal_l/r, utility_reverselight, utility_runninglight, van_lights_on/intense, van_glass_int and nearly all glass_ints are all nonpbr and some of them have compression artifacts
I noticed that in addition to the "frenzied" traffic, the traffic is not evenly distributed. For example, in Italy there are enough cars on the highway, but when you enter the city there are none at all. Thus, it is simply not possible to drive with traffic! Does anyone else have this problem?
Objects in the right mirror appear to be farther away than in the left in all cars.This problem persists since 0.32