Experimental 0.32.2 CareerMods: CheatMenu, MenuUnlocker, 25NewDealers, MoreDealerStock, EnablePolice, MoreTraffic

Discussion in 'Mods and Skins' started by 23Terrabytes, Sep 29, 2023.

  1. sucs2beU

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    Oct 9, 2023
    do you have to un-pack it in-game? I used your default keys and it did nothing.
  2. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    No, it does not require any unpacking or changing original game files. Just place the ZIP directly into your user data's mod folder (example):


    If a mod doesnt work right away you may need to reload the game LUA using CTRL+L after the game has fully loaded your save. If you have just started a new game and have not yet completed the tutorial and have not bought your first car, some mods might not work until both of those are completed. If you have other career mode mods then both will probably end up broken - as they wont be compatible with each other. The default keys I listed (like CTRL+E for vehicle spawn menu) should be the games default keys - these mods dont add any special hotkeys, so you can open your controls menu and whatever the game uses as a hotkey (or if you set your own) then thats what will work with these mods.
  3. Gweek

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    May 6, 2024
    So I don't know what the issue is, but everything besides the traffic mod is working... upload_2024-5-6_13-58-48.png
    I'm using the modified file provided by someone earlier.
    Tried an Existing career, and a new career, but police never spawns. Ctrl+L doesn't change anything. Everything else works as intended.
    Should I change anything inside beamng settings as well? Currently, traffic is on automatic, and Simplified traffic is on.
  4. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    You are installing your mods incorrectly. The steam folder is the install directory and you mods folder should be in a separate user data folder - which is not inside the steam folder.

    Follow this guide (look under "manual installation" section):


    Then I would suggest you move ALL your mods to your userdata folder.
  5. Gweek

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    May 6, 2024
    Thank you, did not realize I was installing them the wrong way, considering all of them worked except the traffic one.
    Here is what I tried:
    Moved my mods to userdata folder- Same result, all mods work but no police after Ctrl+L in existing career, or Ctrl+L in new career.
    Then I just took out the player Driving.lua and replaced the existing one in career/modules folder while backing it up. Same results as above.
    At this point I have no idea how police isn't spawning.
  6. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    I would highly recommend (as do the devs) not modifying ANY files within the Steam folder, thats why the devs made the user data folder. The userdata folder is a mirror of the install directory, so "..\0.32\lua\ge\extensions\career\modules\" is exactly the same as "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\BeamNG.drive\lua\ge\extensions\career\modules\". Then any zip files inside the userdata mods folder will have folders that also mirror the install directory. "..\0.32\mods\Career23TB_Traffic14Police2.zip\lua\ge\extensions\career\modules\" If anything, modding the install files in the Steam folder can easily break the game, even if most mods seem to work that way.

    The game will load the files in the Steam directory first and then if there is a file in the userdata directory under the same folder and with the same name, the game will automatically use the userdata\mods files in place of the original - so there is no need to modify any files in the Steam directory.

    I would remove ALL modded files from the Steam folder including your mods folder and place them in the user data folder, then verify file integrity through Steam to fix any broken files. Or even do a full reinstall of the game if you have a lot of edited install files. If the traffic mod still doesnt work - then I suspect you have other mods causing a conflict of some kind or you may still have have these mods or other mods installed incorrectly. Unfortunately thats all the help I can provide, as these mods work on multiple test systems before I upload, and are working for others.
    #106 23Terrabytes, May 6, 2024
    Last edited: May 6, 2024

    Expand Collapse

    May 11, 2024
    Is there a way to have 2 vehicle deliveries at the same time (so i can put like 2 cars on the back of a truck )
  8. James Corr

    James Corr
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    Dec 9, 2023
    Hey so just a quick question for you. I downloaded the 100 slots dealership inventory and it's working great for the dealerships themselves but for some reason it's not putting the dealers you added down at the racetrack. Am i missing something? Like do i have to enable something or is that just how it is now?
  9. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    It should work without any issues, its been tested on several systems and as far as I know is working just fine for any others that have tried it. Assuming its installed correctly (ZIP placed in mods folder - with no manual file changes or extracting the zip), then my best guess of the issue is a mod conflict. That mod directly changes the map west coast usa. So if you have any manual edits (world editor changes) of that map or have any mods that change anything on WCUSA then it will 100% conflict with my mod.

    EDIT - I may have misread your post. I have left the original reply with a strikethrough just in case another mod is your issue or for any others that run into problems with this mod. But if I understand correctly the response below should be what you're looking for:

    The "Dealership Inventory Mod" only changes the dealerships inventory amount. The "New Dealerships Mod" is what adds the racetrack dealerships and is a separate file\mod. If you have only used the one mod then the fix would be to simply download the file for the "New Dealerships Mod"
    #109 23Terrabytes, May 20, 2024
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
  10. SemKill

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    Feb 5, 2021
    so, any news about 0.32.2 version?
  11. marcoboy123

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    Jun 15, 2014
    Based Idea cause I have a Grime with the Current Career Mode
    As they changed the way Vehicle Deliveries work
    Somehow, you cannot get a huge variety of vehicles as Vehicle Delivery Options. I play with a Ton of Vehicle Addons / Vehicle Mods, but most Vehicles besides a very select few show up for Option. and not a big Variety of Setups.
    Maybe possible Idea to mod Randomness into Vehicle Deliverance, maybe in considerance with the "Crazy Contraptions" Mod ? https://www.beamng.com/resources/crazy-contraptions-part-randomizer-remastered.20226/
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Thomas Atkins

    Thomas Atkins
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    Dec 24, 2015
    so my career has been working fine but i removed mods did a fresh install of beam but now my ai cars that spawn in on career and freeroam . i get a red error message and the cars break . please help
  13. Cupic

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    May 15, 2024
    As of the latest update using the "add current vehicle to garage" just results in a Lua error and then more errors once you solve thay. This is with cars that previously had no problems. This WILL brick your save. You no longer have access to the parts inventory and the "My cars" section will say you have none. I was able to replicate this using multiple mods that worked fine before across multiple saves. Loading back into the save doesn't fix it, though the UI error that makes things flash should clear
  14. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    All mods have been updated as of May 30, 2024. All outdated mod files have been removed and replaced with files that use game version So all files listed for download on the top post are currently working and updated for game version

    As always, if the game gets ANY sort of update that directly changes career mode or WCUSA then you will need to delete these mods for the update to take effect. Continuing to use these mods after an update can and most likely will break career mode, WCUSA, and your career mode save file.

    --- Post updated ---
    Not sure what the issue is there if you have removed ALL mods. Try running the game in "Safe Mode" from the game launcher. If the game works without issues in Safe Mode then there is an issue somewhere in your games User Data folder. That can range from old\bad settings files, outdated mods, broken vehicle configs, or any manual edits you may have made yourself. If you arent using any mods, then please check BeamNGs official troubleshooting page.

    Mods have all been updated. These mods change career mode files and WCUSA map files - so if you use an old version of these mods after the game receives an update you can assume my mods will be outdated\broken. There is a disclaimer on the top post that says to immediately delete\deactivate these mods with ANY game update due to this reason. They have to be remade from scratch with every single update. But as mentioned, the mods have all been updated. Sorry if you have lost a save file, but there is also a guide on the top post on how to back up your career mode save - which should be done if using any of these mods - especially the CheatMenu. (there should also be multiple autosaves in your save folder, so if you lost a save you can check your save folder and try using an alternate autosave)
    #114 23Terrabytes, May 30, 2024
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
  15. Lancrr

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    Apr 10, 2024
    I have the cheat menu mod installed, the switch vehicle keybind doesnt for me. I tried changing keybinds but it still wont owrk
  16. Alleyne

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    Mar 13, 2024
    I'm wondering if you can make a mod to increase the amount made from deliveries? I'm also wondering if you know of a way to make the dealers refresh vehicles more randomly? With modded vehicles, it seems it will only use a selected rotation or the most recent mods installed, not filter through your entire mod folder.
  17. Robii

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    Jun 10, 2024
    Hi! The new dealers can't seem to work together with RLS Championships mod. Any idea? I'd like to use both.
  18. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    This is most likely an issue with your settings, not the mod. They keybinding isnt modified it uses whichever default settings you have set. If you dont see the cheat menu on screen then the mod isnt loaded or installed properly and the keybind wont either. If you have it installed properly you can try hitting CTRL+L to reload the game LUA (code) and it should reload everything with the mod and the cheatmenu should pop up for you - then the keybinds should work fine after that.

    Havent had the time to work on any mods lately, sot he cargo mods are still on hold.

    I still havent checked out that mod, havent had the time, but if that mod changes the dealerships settings, the map WCUSA (where the new dealers are), or any career mode aspects - then the two mods will never be compatible as they will both be modifying the exact same files. You can easily check this by opening the ZIPs of the mods. If they have the same folder layout and\or any of the same file names then they will always conflict each other.
  19. HerbieVW953

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    Aug 7, 2017
    where exactly are you supposed to get cars that are labeled as "rally" as a config type i don't think you can get them from anywhere? same with "police" i think but not really fussed with police cars could probably put them with "service" or something
  20. 23Terrabytes

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    Aug 1, 2022
    I will have to check that out, it may be possible. I made my new dealerships by looking through every dealership currently in WCUSA and then wrote down every single config type they used. I didnt see Rally used anywhere. I made the factory and custom dealerships - and then made the few special dealers (race, truck, trailer, and service) based off those other config types I found in the current dealerships. I didnt try using other configs like rally, as I didnt know if they were supported or not since they werent used elsewhere. But depending on how those dealerships works it may very well be possible.

    Ive been busy lately, but luckily I have some free time coming up soon where I can hopefully check this out, because that would be awesome to have a rally only shop. For know you can give it a try yourself. Check out the file below in my mods ZIP:


    you can look for and change the following code to test out if rally is a working config type for the dealerships. In the example below (which should be at the very bottom of that file) you can see where it says whiteList and then "Race" you can try changing that to "Rally" and then see what happens:

          "description":"Terrabyte Autos 25 - More choices and no fees.",
          "doors":[["tbauto_area_25","tbauto_icon_25", 30]],
            {"keyLabel":"Terrabyte Autos"},
            "whiteList":{"Mileage":{"min":1000, "max":100000}}
            "blackList":{"Body Style":["Semi Truck"]}
          "subFilters": [
              "whiteList":{"Config Type":["Race"]},
          "fees": 0,
          "containsStarterVehicles": false,
          "testDrive": {
            "abandonFees" : 0,
            "timeLimit" : 120,
            "licencePlate" : "23TB"
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