Separate names with a comma.
May I ask what the "other mod" is that was mentioned in the first post?
That is already the name they were originally going to go with. This name is likely not gonna be chosen.
This isnt the correct place for this type of thread.
yeah I guess that works but I don't think ill add a livery
Ryanair never used a plane even remotley close. Also, this is a buisness jet. not a passenger jet.
It was once talked about if i remember correctly. It was gonna be something like the jargl 240 or something.
and that makes you want to post it on modland and not the forums?
It wont be released on christmas but there will be something by christmas.
That's because it was made after 0.16. Mods dont work on versions that predate the version the mod was made on.
This is the wrong place to make a thread like this.
I think they meant simplified traffic.
You'll see
Saying "sorry for bumping" and then bumping isn't always gonna make it okay to bump. especially if it doesn't contribute anything. Just stop...
cannot wait
You have been here for 4 years yet you still dont know what WIP means
I think you have trouble distinguishing between the repository and the forums
Then dont repeat a question that has already been answered.
Bottom of the first page. do you not see the bright green letters spelling "Download Link"
Can you read yet?
I think he is joking