V10 Destroyer - The fastest automation car 8.0

Designed to dominate, this plasmasonic car can go Mach 40 it is the fastest beamng car

  1. Update 2.6: MASSIVE WHEELS and new top speed of MACH 5

    first thank you speirs for making a video of my mod. Neil asked for 3500MPH+ (5632KMH+) so i granted his wish it only needs some steering assistance on the 2nd to 3rd gear in order to not flip the massive wheels are for stability and acceleration

    NOTE: on some computers the game crashes at 3400MPH
    some glitches may occur such as the rims freaking out and the car floating a little over the ground as well as the engine sound disappearing over 2500. Do not hesitate to steer a little at anytime to make sure it is going in a straight line ENJOY.


    1. MACH5.png
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