Alpha Utah Revitalized 0.30

Utah's Future: Enhanced Roads, Endless Adventure

  1. Jak3
    Version: 0.30
    Man, I absolutely love this map! It quickly became my favorite and is probably the only map I actually use. Only one small issue, however, and that is that the lane leading on to the highway (nearest to the auto Repair Zone) has some jagged terrain. It makes it impossible for low cars to get onto the highway, and they just get destroyed from the jagged terrain. Still five stars though.
  2. Soundwave_xp
    Version: 0.30
    all bridges are sand... so yeah, cant drive on those
  3. Sharkdude0422
    Version: 0.30
    Hey man I love this map! When are we gonna see some updates? There's still some terrain jaggedness and clipping in places, and I would love to see some more places to go!
  4. azebramoomoo
    Version: 0.30
    I gotta say it is super super fun to lollygag about with a rally sunburst
  5. PIGON
    Version: 0.30
    Amazing! I am having a lot of fun exploring the new things you added, keep it up! this is really good!
  6. itsmecam :-)
    itsmecam :-)
    Version: 0.30
    other than that and the tunnels being a bit weird its a good map 3.9/5
  7. catchow1977
    Version: 0.20
    i love this mod but i have 1 tiny gripe the old mining tunnels have been cut and are just odd for no reason can you please return them to original utah style
    1. MediumMike
      Author's Response
      Thank you for leaving a review! I have overlooked caves slightly and the floor is added and none is cut now, there is only a slight issue with the lighting in one or two of the caves, this will be fixed next week!
  8. Sharkdude0422
    Version: 0.15
    This map is amazing. I just can't get over how fun it is to play on it. It has added almost everything I wish that Utah had, and more! I do have a few recommendations, firstly, I would like to see a rock crawling section or dedicated trail, maybe a complete circuit rally track rather than the downhill track from the visitors center, (but keep that track bc it's a great trail to test vehicles on) and maybe a few easter eggs in the mine shafts. Oh and about those, one of them(or more I can't remember which) is missing the ground entirely. I would like to see that fixed bc those caves are one of my fav places to explore.
    1. MediumMike
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the kind words and telling about the cave! I had no idea this had happened, or how, but i will fix that for the 0.25 update! I appreciate the suggestions, it is not impossible this will be added :) I just need to refine the map in its current state before adding something more!
      I dont think they approve of updates during the weekend, but if you message me i can send the updated verision where the cave is fixed along with alot of other fixes
  9. MikeVrnr
    Version: 0.15
    Very nice except for some misplaced bridges. Going onto one will destroy bumpers.
    1. MediumMike
      Author's Response
      I had overseen this entirely!! I dont know how i missed it, but i did. So therefore i have released a quick fix update that has taken care of this issue, it should be approved in not too long!
  10. THom6502
    Version: 0.15
    There is always room for a new Utah version, keep up doing the good work.
    1. MediumMike
      Author's Response
      Exactly, always room for more utahs! :) Thank you for the kind words stranger <3
  11. Racer09
    Version: 0.1
    I can see the possibilities with this map, but it still needs some work. Contact me on discord @racer109 and I can show you where it needs fixing. So close to a 5-star map!
  12. absolute destruction
    absolute destruction
    Version: 0.1
    I've played around on this map, and it's 80-90% there!
    The concept is great but there are a lot of sharp clear-cut edges or lips basically wherever you've added a road or gravel track, also there is some random terrain jaggedness on the mountain pass road from the bridge going up, But I can't see what if anything you've changed near it so it might just need some tweaking here and there.

    I can't see a thread hence the chunky review ;)
    1. MediumMike
      Author's Response
      Thank you for positive review! Yes i soon realised after releasing this that i had gotten blind with my new roads and forgotten the original, hence the jaggedness and uneven spots, this will be taken care of asap! :)
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