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In the upcoming days mod approvals could be slower than normal.
Thank you for your patience.

Experimental TOYOTA Kijang innova V10 0.23.5

The new modern MPV 2021

  1. Yooaku
    This mod is still under development so if there are bugs or something like that, please give your opinion in the comments below

    This mod is good


    1. BeamNGdrive-0235212939-RELEASE-x6410_10_202100_22_26.png
    2. BeamNGdrive-0235212939-RELEASE-x6410_10_202100_21_21.png
    3. BeamNGdrive-0235212939-RELEASE-x6410_10_202100_21_34.png
    4. BeamNGdrive-0235212939-RELEASE-x6410_10_202100_21_53.png
    5. BeamNGdrive-0235212939-RELEASE-x6410_10_202100_22_04.png

Recent Reviews

  1. Asusvivogamer
    Version: 0.23.5
    uh is this the indian version or malasian
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