The Stairway Mountain 23 aout 2020

a 10km long road and a dirt track who climb until the summit of a big mountain

  1. bug fix

    The sand texture was all black
    and 5 squares of the terrain was without texture
  2. bug correction ... again

    "correction" of the white thingy things around the road signs and barriers .............

    correction of the campaign Pépé René
  3. bug correction

    correction of the invisible textures visible (around wooden barriers and road signs)
  4. scenarios corrections

    just two small corrections:
    scenarios not working
    mission "Pépé René's big truck 2" easier to complete (quantity and position of the haybale changed )
  5. MaJ du 17-03-2017


    - skyboxe removed. day/night cycle working

    - 2 spawn points (top and bottom of the mountain)

    - better collisions concerning the road signs and the wooden barriers

    - lot of rocks added along the road

    - the pépé Réné's missions are avaible in campaign mode. The transport scenarios aren't doable anymore if you loose the cargo. The handbrake is put on the pickup. We see better the final crash because i have move the last checkpoint.

    - multiplayer scenario remaded

    SodaWolf, torsion, RyvyLo and 6 others like this.
  6. update of the 09 octobre 2016

    - correction of bugs with the decal roads
    - correction of the huge errors of grammar in the descriptions, merci RyvyLo
    - hay bales centered on the papy's truck again. I hope they will not move again
    - correction of the vegetation (brown grass was gone)
    - I have smoothed a bit the risers of the mountain
    - I have replaced objet floating in air
    HighDef, mrfranco, SodaWolf and 2 others like this.
  7. update of the 29-08-2016

    update of the 29-08-16:

    -textures with mipmaps
    -3d models with imposters
    -the 10km long mesh road erased and replaced by decals and leveled terrain, in a way to avoid skid marks lags
    -some details that i don't remember ... gps, distance of view, and euuhh ... :)

    the map works better right now. vegetation, tire marks, etc
    DoullPepper, j2305432 and gigawert like this.
  8. stairway mountain update of 14/02/2016

    - a small port / a dike
    - a trail who climb the stairs of the mountain
    - more cows
    - 12 scenarios
    - lot of work on the asphalt road. I've changed the texture, decreased the width, decreased the slope in some turns
    - I've decreased the size of the map file

    16/2/16 edit:
    I just see that the scenarios doesn't work .... I go to search a solution.
    But, for the moment, if you want to play them, you can do this:

    go to document/
    1 extract the
  9. released

    there is the release version

    bonne année à tous
    burilkovdeni and Firepower like this.
  10. stairway mountain 15/01/16

    the map is ready (edit: finally not, there will be an other update later )
    Creepsgesicht and j2305432 like this.
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