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Terklass PPV-01 1.0

A Car used by the Police Force Of Scoraig, Scotland. Made On 12/14/2019.

  1. Fox GΔMING
    A Car used by the Police Force Of Scoraig, Scotland. Made On 12/14/2019.

    This car will probably not have working lights, or siren, as it cannot be unpacked successfully. Having to figure out the materials would take a long time to try and fix, and might actually be impossible.

    While the place Scoraig, Scotland, is real, this entire company was made as a joke, since Scoraig is apparently an incredibly tiny, remote, and, unheard of, at least from what I can tell, place. The whole point of this was to make a police force so unbelievably massive, and use it in the tiniest, most remote village I could find. That's literally the joke. I'm sure a place like Scoraig wouldn't need such a massive police force, so I decided to make this company as if it needed extreme police cars and vehicles. Enjoy.

    The Terklass Police Pursuit Vehicle #1 [PPV-01] Of Scoraig was used as a prisoner-transporting vehicle In Scoraig. This PPV-01 was the first generation PPV. It featured 1 beacon light, a siren, and a rear seat for prisoners. It was successful.


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