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Semi Uplift Trailers 1.0

Take a semi and saw it in half. Now you got trailers!

  1. essej818
    If its not showing up in your vehicle selector, go to settings and go to user interface and flip on "custom vehicles." -thanks to the commenter below.

    I thought it would be cool to take the rear end of the T-Series and turn it into a trailer for tandem trucking. Then I realized I could make each trailer have all the uplifts the semi has! So now I give you this adorable trailer pack.

    Known issues.
    • Sometimes the couplers don't show a colorful ball, but they will still connect. If you know why let me know.
    • The trailer will catch on fire during some crashes.

    20220206192005_1.jpg 20220206192740_1.jpg 20220206193144_1.jpg 20220206193832_1.jpg 20220206193941_1.jpg 20220206194917_1.jpg 20220205214534_1.jpg 20220205214550_1.jpg 20220205214606_1.jpg 20220205214621_1.jpg 20220205214636_1.jpg 20220205214650_1.jpg 20220206095736_1.jpg 20220206102321_1.jpg 20220206160639_1.jpg 20220206160846_1.jpg 20220206161011_1.jpg 20220206161130_1.jpg 20220206161239_1.jpg 20220206161417_1.jpg 20220206162902_1.jpg 20220206163419_1.jpg 20220206163901_1.jpg 20220206184624_1.jpg

    What this mod includes:
    • 6 configs found under the T-Series
    • Two frames; short and long. All uplifts can go on either but long frame is easier to turn sharp with bulkier uplifts.
    • Tow hitch for semi, Dryvan, Tanker, Boxtruck, Flatbed and trailers.
    • Creativity
    Remember to give this a good rating because the trailers are cute.


    1. 20220206081818_1.jpg
    Ai'Torror likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Hank_Montgomery
    Version: 1.0
    Crashes the game when spawning any one of the uplifts. I tried reinstalling the mod, but it didn't help.
  2. Dent
    Version: 1.0
    Great mod, fix the hydraulics though.
  3. Madkirk74
    Version: 1.0
    Would be amazing, however, there is one major issue: they don't connect. At all. To anything.
  4. jjjjj
    Version: 1.0
    This is awesome. unfortunately the new update has made any of the hydraulic functions not work. The other negative remark is not a bug but but is it is the lack of a hitch option connect it to a normal vehicle, for example a tow hitch on a pessima.
  5. Marshy
    Version: 1.0
    So much fun pulling road trains
  6. Savan Thakur
    Savan Thakur
    Version: 1.0
    So cute ❤️
  7. iDKHOW fan
    iDKHOW fan
    Version: 1.0
    Can EU versions be made for the Scania truck mod (Semi Euro Truck) please?
  8. miskaflixazoxy
    Version: 1.0
    we are always in need of more t series related mods

    thank you very much :)
  9. jecoyud1905
    Version: 1.0
    Waiting this mod since i join beamng! Good mod!
  10. WarEthe
    Version: 1.0
    For the unfortunate people who are confused on how to find it, go to settings and go to user interface and flip on "custom vehicles."
    1. essej818
      Author's Response
      Thank you, Maybe I should add this to the description!
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