Rust-eze Skin Pack 1.3

Ka-chow! Skins from our favorite fictional ointment company, Rust-eze.

  1. 1.1 Update

    -Added 1 skin and 2 configurations for the ETK 6000 & 4000 Series. Also has support for the Rust-eze Ointment load. (Don't drive it to it's limit! ;)) (Required mod: you can download the repo version, but it is recommended to have the fan-updated version on this page, as it adds support for loads.)
    -Added one new license plate ("Our Fair City" license plate, used by Dusty Rust-eze, Rusty Rust-eze and Mack.)
    -Minor config tweaks
    -Fixed the H45 configuration conflict between this mod and the LSLi pack.
    -Fixed a small error on the T-Series skins.
    -T85 Configurations were deleted.
    -Updated all thumbnails. (Thumbnails was taken with the latest T-Series expansion version that is not out on the repo yet.)
    Have fun!
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