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Beta Nissan R35 GT-R Wagon 1.0

a very fast automation car

  1. 1996_mazda_miata_mx5
    a very fast own made R35 Wagon thats very fast and also very fun at the same time

    Note: minor texture issues (picture of the missing textures further down the post)
    Note: the lights of automation car are very very bright, if you will use them make sure to be playing at daytime (irl) or not staring directly into them
    Note: car does not handle well around corners (i might be improving this in the near future) so as of the current it is a drag (ish) car

    missing textures:
    __________________________________________________________ View attachment 761210 screenshot_2021-01-20_14-10-52.png screenshot_2021-01-20_14-11-27.png screenshot_2021-01-20_14-11-43.png screenshot_2021-01-20_14-11-04.png

    the vehicle also includes a sunroof (opened)


    1. screenshot_2021-01-20_14-10-33.png
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