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Beta MTN-Goat 3.0

A good ol' bush plane with some beefy suspension

  1. Mtn. Goat - Small improvements

    I adjusted a bunch of jbeam to slightly tweak flight characteristics and damage.

    Also added the feeling of flight, the plane will gently pitch and roll while flying giving a floating feeling like no other!

    (and sorry about changing the file name so much, it will now stay as mtn-goat.zip for simplicity sake)
  2. Mtn. Goat - Rework

    Added a new flushed out engine which goes great with a new direct propeller so no need for shifting (still an option with a DCT propeller.)

    Aside from that I reworked a bunch of the jbeam and adjusted properties, the wheels should be stronger with turns. Now there is a psi slider that barely does a thing. On top of that I strengthened flaps and ailerons allowing for faster flight speeds and remaining in one piece.

    Finally, added a tail counterweight, perfect for bigger engine swaps and...
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