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Maza Compaq 1.0

Another premium kei-car

  1. zalutskiy2005
    Just another kei-car with asimetric glass.
    It has 3 versions - Standart, Optima and Sport.
    Specs are pretty similar to Hora K-3 3ji, 5ji, and 8ji. (Sorry that I lost spec list for this car, but I don't have time to make another one. Also I won't write K-3 specs here, so if you want to see K-3 specs you will need to go to page with it and then, maybe, you will want to download K-3 (Here is link to Hora K-3 https://www.beamng.com/resources/hora-k-3.12639/))
    Photo287.png Photo286.png Photo285.png Photo284.png Photo283.png Photo282.png
    (I don't know what's wrong with wheels in this photos, maybe something happened with Automation. Anyway, in beamng wheels looks normally.)

Recent Reviews

  1. MEM756
    Version: 1.0
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