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Experimental JATO and Ram Plow for Everything 2.8

The mod everybody wanted but nobody made it because it's too much work for something this dumb.

  1. Completly redone the entire system to make it more user-friendly

    All official cars now have an auto-offset setup:



    This means that JATO and ram plow will e automatically placed in proper places on them, you no longer have to use the Tuning tab. Note that this doesn't work on mod cars, you still have to adjust it yourself on them. Also most roof accesories from the mod are not supported, you still have to position them manually.

    Additionally, the messy attachment selection has been really simplified:


    The second option is really only for the Pigeon and the short cab variants of the D-Series. Usually you don't have to remember about it.

    Ram plow no longer has the ultra messy attachment selector, instead there are 2 versions of it now:


    This one is way less stiff (like 1000 times) and it's supposed to be used on cars that can't handle the normal one without exploding. So usually weak cars (Piccolna, Pigeon), cars with narrow frames (Bluebuck) or weak axle mounts (Moonhawk).

    I have also (again) fixed the bug with the console sometimes crashing the game when opened with this mod enabled. Though I have no idea what is causing this and how I fixed it. Just be glad that I did lol.

    The only issue I found is that for some reason the ball will have way less pressure on the FCV than on all the other cars. Why is that? Absolutely no idea, must be a bug in the game.
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