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Hirochi City Base 1.0

Kei car, sporty, basically an AE86 but not.

  1. bakutblisi
    Grab yourself the legendary Hirochi City, the elegant but cheap coupe. Sold for the low low price of 7,485$, (21,400$ adjusted for 2020). It comes with a high quality 16v 393cc Inline 4, producing a staggering 32hp, 4 gear advanced-automatic, premium 8-track player (swappable for a compatible Hirochi cassette / cd player), and only weights 1421 lbs., with an above average 20mpg, and up to 34mpg on the highway.


    1. hirochicitybase.png
    2. Photo2.png
    3. screenshot_2020-11-23_00-12-49.png
    4. screenshot_2020-11-23_00-13-05.png
    5. screenshot_2020-11-23_00-15-52.png
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