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Heartland Havoc Ultra 4 .50

Third time's the cham for making a map right?

  1. More Lap 3 Updates - Lap 3 Nearing Completion

    Made a lot of extra updates to lap 3.

    Re worked the rocks on the surface, added some new stuff thats hopefully an actual obstacle point now.

    Added some more obstacles in the cave, and also added some stuff to give you a reason to not go dead nuts straight through the cave to try and give a passing opportunity.
  2. Rock updates

    More tweaks and tunes to the rocks on lap 3
  3. Major rock updates, some smoothing, fixed texutres

    Now that the layout is more complete, I spent a lot more time trying to work on rocks.

    Still likely not final, but there were some aesthetic updates to this, and a lot of changes to lap 3.

    Few things smoothed over on lap 1.
  4. Toilet Bowl Smoothing, Cave Updates

    Some small updates since the last major change

    No new major parts of the track this time around, but some whoops got smoothed by the toilet bowl jump to make that easier.

    Cave has some re works, there are a couple new obstacles inside it and the climb out should be a little less punishing now.

    Fixed missing meshes in the pits - grabbed some prefabs off my other map and files were pointing at the wrong thing.
  5. LAP 3 UPDATES! More Anger Added!


    Track was feeling too easy, lap 3 got some major updates.

    New rock section that was flat before, or didn't exist.
    Cave is a lot more cave-y and more difficult now.
    Working on adding more into lap 3 to make it more challenging, to keep laps 1/2 less frustrating and more stock-ish friendly.
  6. Version .3 for Lap 3!


    Lots of pretty big updates coming to the track.

    Biggest thing is the beginnings of some spelunking on lap 3...
    1.png 2.png 3.png

    Also updated one of the bridges on Lap 2, testing that to see if its worth updating the other one
    Added some speed suggestions for anyone that has had a hard time getting some of the bonus lines right... They should be pretty easy to do...
  7. Reworked Track, Added Chalk, New Rocks

    Lot of updates since .1 got stuck waiting for approval longer than expected.

    Lap flags are now a thing to better indicate lap 1 vs. 2, and you should see a lot of new obstacles.
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