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Experimental Gavril Grand Bluebuck v3.0

Americana put in and already American car

  1. James May's Cheese
    The v8's from the BlueBuck into the Grand Marshal. (if you put in the 423 it becomes the Grand Marspin) no model however i will accept help.

    BeamNG: The Bluebuck engines and the Gavril Grand Marshal
    Me: Pressing ctrl-H and changing blue buck to fullsize
    @dilli pedro 95 Changed/Inserted the Model for me


Recent Reviews

  1. IbishuFanBoy
    Version: v3.0
    This mod is great. I would although add a photo so the people no what they're downloading. Great Mod!
    1. James May's Cheese
      Author's Response
      i don't really know what to add for a picture.
  2. Drogówka
    Version: 1776
    ah yes
    budget gavril
    i bet its even cheaper than fleet trim
  3. starblockset
    Version: 1776
    Good mod overall. A tip if you want to fix the straight pipe sound is to use the original engine model from the grand marshal.
    1. James May's Cheese
      Author's Response
      ok i have someone working on it
  4. dilli pedro 95
    dilli pedro 95
    Version: 1776
    Very cool mod, i like very much this kind of swaps. And can i add a model to the engine and send to you?
    1. James May's Cheese
      Author's Response
      sure, i also need a bit of help with the exhaust because it just uses the straight pipe V8 sound. but i am decent with j beam so i might be able to fix the sound
  5. Scruffy517
    Version: 1776
    Cool, but you should add pictures on the description of the mod so that people know what they're downloading
    1. James May's Cheese
      Author's Response
      ok. It is my first mod so i don't know what to do and what not to do.
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