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Beta (City of) Los Injurus 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. ARES IV
    Version: 2023-04-14
    Thank you
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      You're quite welcome. It's a labor of love, and I am glad you and about half a million other downloaders enjoy it. When creating this map I never thought it would reach so many people (even if even many folks may have downloaded it more than once), but honestly I am happy to make someone's day better. Gives a little solace from the pain and being stuck in the house (periodically) due to physical issues/disability (or due to me 'overdoing it' when trying to do things, despite my body falling apart).
      However; worry not about me, but just about having a good time and enjoying the map (and of-course the rest of life too).
      --Cheers & best wishes!
  2. Agent_Y
    Version: 2023-04-14
    Most worked on mod in the history of this game, I highly appreciate the effort.
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Never thought I'd have smoked Roane County as far as time-invested is concerned, especially not to this degree. It's still not done!
      Needless to say, thanks for writing in and I'm stoked you enjoy this monster-sized map. Sure there's bigger ones out there now, but that's alright, as the fun is packed to the nines - or so I've tried my best to do so.
  3. onceandforall
    Version: 2023-04-14
    Well, a 2 year pause got us a new bridge! Cool!
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      You can't be serious. Drive around more if you feel there is no difference.
      However, future updates will be much more common; because in two weeks I'm getting gigabit fiber internet in-stead of slow capped satellite.
      Please follow the development thread for this map, and look at all the pages worth of updates in the last two years.
  4. Ascendancy
    Version: 2023-04-14
    As I mentioned in the discussion thread, I took an ETK with a V8 and drove around the map. This recent update just makes things that much more fantastic, and worth the five star rating wholeheartedly.
  5. grandturismo231323
    Version: 2023-04-14
    Still the best!
  6. Lewhik
    Version: 2023-04-14
  7. JoshD
    Version: 2023-04-14
    Any lower rating would be a lie.
  8. Driveline Animations
    Driveline Animations
    Version: 2023-04-14
    It's still the best.
  9. AverageGameEnjoyer 2
    AverageGameEnjoyer 2
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Love it
  10. venom1791000
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Amazing map Bro
  11. 1M_Funny_Things
    Version: 2021-06-21
    This mod is so good! No matter what this is still one of the best mods ever in Beamng!
  12. skrrts
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Hoping for another update soon, but it's an amazing map even in its current state
  13. Ever Free Gaming Offcial
    Ever Free Gaming Offcial
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Seriously one of the best maps ever made for BeamNG~ It's massive, realistic, and good looking~ It's a bit demanding but not too bad, I always love seeing new updates however we havent had one in a while, maybe some PBR support~?
  14. Phirebird
    Version: 2021-06-21
    I am so looking forward to this map's next update as American Roads sadly is getting outdated the more time moves on (we are doing community roadtrips/cruises). When do you think you will release a next update for the public?
  15. Uzziah Tyler
    Uzziah Tyler
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Hi Really Like this Mod! Very Amazingly Of Creativity Of your mods!
    I Wonder If you Could Make The textures Of The Ground textures of this Mod A Big Realistic Remake And Put some Amazing Shaders! It Would be Nice!
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      I have already purchased commercial ground-cover and vegetation / trees and other stuff like that. I just have to get the time to convert the models of things I purchased to work in BeamNG Drive and have the natural bending / swaying in the wind. Not so sure how that works on vegetation but I'll figure it out. It all takes time, which I've been splitting with this mod and my poor house with it's slightly-deferred maintenance.
      So yes, still making new things for the map and converting over lots (100's and 100's possibly 1000 buildings already) of stuff to put it in the map, while still working on my house (as much as my physically disabled condition allows me to) so as to make sure it doesn't fall in on me while mapping.
      Renters can enjoy my envy right now, put it that way :)
      I have my own hosting I am trying to sync up so that the map downloads super-duper fast (vs 12.7kb/s!), and so that supporters get the fast download too. Working with staff on this so it gets linked like normal.
      This public version *should* be updated before the holidays once I get some more 'boo-boos' fixed, and development definitely continues.
      For now, thanks for the good review, so enjoy it knowing that it's a success story for a fun community project everyone can enjoy.
  16. JoshD
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Very well made map, I hope it will get some more updates (like working traffic lights).
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Already fixed the traffic lights in the latest supporter beta. It's actually a conflict where the game is pulling the OLD low-res light data from ITALY of all things, for what reason I do not know. That sharing from base-game data when the same name is used, is actually an unsupported feature that's not supposed to work nor intended. So yes, it was fun hair-pulling figuring THAT bug out, which is why it stuck around until late August this year!
      So sorry about the lights, know it's fixed though.
      Glad you enjoy it, I am sure you'll love the future versions even more.
      --Cheers & thanks for the good words.
  17. minicoops
    Version: 2021-06-21
    This mod is just amazing! A friend told me to try it and I love it.
  18. KingFox2005
    Version: 2021-06-21
    This map is amazing so great I love it so much but, I didn't give it 5 stars just because the street lights don't work they're like white and sometimes I see them red, so yeah they're very buggy but if that is fixed I would give this a million stars if I could, amazing map keep up the amazing work ;)
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      It's a game bug due to the light texture having the same name as a base-game (italy?) texture. It's worked-around on the latest supporter beta.
      Lots of hair pulling, but I'm still not going bald so I have enough left to get several more bugs fixed yet on the short-term.
      This is a labor of love though, so do enjoy, as it's made for all of us.
      --Cheers & TY!
  19. cardriver96
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Love this map! Keep up the great work.
  20. Spencer Johnson
    Spencer Johnson
    Version: 2021-06-21
    Incredible, anything less than 5 stars would be false (don't listen to anyone who does give you 4 stars cause this map IS 5 stars, nothing less)
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      I've wanted to make something like this for going on 30 years now. When I finally learned to model in 2018, I finally got the last hurdle out of the way.
      Now if I can just complete this without breaking the game-engine too many more times (it's happened a few times for this map and Roane County), maybe I'll get this done in our lifetime.
      Hopefully this map will continue to fill your every wants and needs/desires.
      This map is made for everyone, including YOU!
      -Cheers and thanks!
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