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Beta Big Brake Kit For D-Series 5.0

Big Brake Kit's For The D-Series

  1. CaddyWakk
    This Mod Now !!REQUIRES!! The Brake Glow Mod (HERE)
    This mod will most likely conflict with mods that add's Scintilla brakes to the D-series.
    Please Leave Feedback and Suggestions (HERE)

    This mod adds a whole bunch of Big Brake Kits to the D-Series.
    This mod is now compatible with Gamer!'s Ultimate Pickups Parts

    The Main feature of this mod is the Scintilla Brake kit:
    This kit includes Steel Rotors with optional Carbon-Ceramic Rotors.
    It also features all of the Scintilla caliper colors.
    They also have optional parking brake calipers in all colors.
    Works with both SRW and DRW setups
    Recommended 20-inch wheels
    Red Calipers with Steel Rotors
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-48-02.png screenshot_2024-05-04_17-48-51.png Rear
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-43-56.png Front

    Blue Calipers with Carbon-Ceramic Rotors
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-50-46.png Rear
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-45-12.png Front

    Yellow Calipers with Steel Rotors and optional Hydraulic Hand Brake.
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-51-47.png Rear
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-55-00.png Front

    This mod also includes the ETK Carbon-Ceramic Brakes with an optional Steel Rotor:
    Works with SRW Only
    Recommended 19-inch wheels
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-53-00.png screenshot_2024-05-04_17-53-37.png Rear
    screenshot_2024-05-04_17-45-47.png Front

    This Mod also includes StopinPowa Brakes. These kits are rotor and pad kits for your stock brakes. They come standard with drilled rotors and StopinPowa brake pads.

    Planned Updates:
    Fully Custom Modeled Brake Calipers and Rotors

    J-Beam- Beamng Devs modified by Me
    Models and materials - Beamng Devs, uses existing models and materials
    All brake glow components are made by @Inn0centJok3r
    All 6x6 and Goliath stuff was made by @Gamer!

Recent Updates

  1. Gamer!'s Mod Support + More
  2. Bug Fixes
  3. Bigger Brakes + Customizations

Recent Reviews

  1. tractopel
    Version: 4.0
    Not working :( no texture on civetta and etk
    1. CaddyWakk
      Author's Response
      Thanks for letting me know I'll see what I can do to fix this. Have you tried clearing your cache? A quick fix that sometimes works is loading the Scintilla and ETK.
  2. Amu
    Version: 3.0
    Mod is great man, could you also make it for the etk and vivace? would love to see it.
    1. CaddyWakk
      Author's Response
      Thanks, man. I have thought about making it for other vehicles but right now the D-Series is my main focus cause it is what I use the most once I finish my plans for the D-Series I may do it for other vehicles.
  3. tractopel
    Version: 3.0
    not working well, only stopinpowa break work but not the civetta nad etk break
    1. CaddyWakk
      Author's Response
      Hey, could you DM me what problems you are having so I can fix it?
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