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2020 Energen Model 12 Hybrid Sedan 1.0

The Newest Model In The Energen Line-Up

  1. Hunter Atkins
    The 2020 Model 12 is the newest edition to the Energen family. Its a V6 Hybrid drivetrain with space age styling-The Model 12!

    ***The vehicle is not an actual hybrid Automation does not yet support this layout***


    1. HiResPhoto513.png
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Recent Reviews

  1. Subo M O D E
    Subo M O D E
    Version: 1.0
    the front reminds me a Pufferfish
  2. Coshei
    Version: 1.0
    Citroen <3
  3. LightningDued5
    Version: 1.0
    Very Cool! You used the body well!
    1. Hunter Atkins
      Author's Response
      Thanks, I know its weird but I LOVE skirted wheels
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