1994 Renault 12 6.0

last medium class argentina's favorite

  1. better packing management

    Renault Logan
    the renault 12, as a nice sloooow sedan with a 1.2L engine, to dacia, having a better 1,3L engine
    in argentina, the renault 12, went with a 1.3L engine beafore it was replaced with a 1.4L. Then in 1992, for making things more cheapper they jut put in this RN12 a 1.6L engine with over 80hp and his manual gearbox (5mt)
    with some "cool" bumpers and a great spoiler in the back, personally this is the best version of the Renault 12

  2. refreshed + taxi and Dragunov variants

    Renault Logan
    the renault 12, as a nice sloooow sedan with a 1.2L engine, to dacia, having a better 1,3L engine
    in argentina, the renault 12, went with a 1.3L engine beafore it was replaced with a 1.4L. Then in 1992, for making things more cheapper they jut put in this RN12 a 1.6L engine with over 80hp and his manual gearbox (5mt)
    with some "cool" bumpers and a great spoiler in the back, personally this is the best version of the Renault 12

    upload_2023-2-2_15-46-36.png ...
  3. now can be called a pack

    Renault Logan
    the renault 12, as a nice sedan with a 1.2L engine, to dacia, having a better 1,3L engine
    in argentina, the renault 12, went with a 1.3L engine beafore it was replaced with a 1.4L and in 1992, for making things more cheapper they jut put in this RN12 a 1.6L engine with over 80hp
    with some "cool" fenders and a great spoiler in the back, personally this is the best version of the Renault 12

    TL "bifaro"
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