Released Node Renamer 1.0

Discussion in 'Utilities and programming' started by Bernd, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. Bernd

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    Dec 27, 2015
    On Friday I'll be writing a test that will include Java, and since I haven't been programming with it for a year or so I decided to make something useful to get back to it.

    This thing renames the first prefix of all nodes you put in it, works both for nodes and beams, I might add coltris later if anyone is interested.
    Unpack the zip, start the jar by double-clicking it.

    I myself use it for the load of the halfpipe trailer, since I'd like it possible to have two of the same rocks preloaded at once. Of course that wouldn't work if they have the same node names, so this thing fixes that.

    I hope someone has some use for it :).

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