Released 1980 Typical American Fullsize Series

Discussion in 'Land' started by SergentFido, Aug 15, 2016.

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  1. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Progress on my skin.
    The American Glory Delta 88 now has a saved configuration. The skin is still incomplete. Note that the pink you see is not part of the skin, and will not be present when completed.
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    The car will have a blue interior. However, I don't know which dashboard to choose. Should I choose the regular one? Or the race one?
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    A close up of the wheels. Note that the hubcap will not be present on the final vehicle, as I've done removed them after the screenshot was taken.
    A close up of the driver side mirror and door handle.

    I have some questions for you Serge.
    1st: I chose the race bumpers so the car will have trimless bumpers, but I noticed that they have what appears to be tiny holes in them. Since I don't want tiny holes in the bumpers, what's your advice on what I can do for trimless bumpers without holes?

    2nd: I really want the door handles to be entirely red. What should I do?

    Attached Files:

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  2. SergentFido

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    May 30, 2015
    the center of the handles are not included in the painted parts of the cars, both with chromes or paintend chromes, so you'll have to alter this part yourself by creating a new

    The blue is a little bit too dark and saturated for my taste, but it's your skin.
  3. silvermanblu

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    Mar 1, 2013
    The Pickup version would be kinda cool. It would be cool if you used this as a template instead of just cutting off the back. Just a suggestion

  4. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    That does look pretty cool, but I think the fifth generation El Camino would be a better basis, as it was similar to the fourth generation Malibu, and it was very similar to the Oldsmobile.

    Here's what I mean.
    #924 MisterKenneth, Oct 6, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
  5. niceface

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    Sep 15, 2016
    Can you do the yellow/black one from Wreckfest?
  6. SergentFido

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    May 30, 2015
    The Chevy El camino is a more little car than those big fullsize, it is the same class as the Oldsmobile Cutlass.
    If a pickup is done, it will be obviously some self made or tuning restomod thing by a body workshop.
    But it will be a creation, as it was never produced.
    I would like to do both. The cutted one has the advantage to be easier to do properly, and will fit the offroad version better than a more worked on body like the Ute.
    We're speaking here but i have also my reasons why i want to do those kind of things and the main is : i wan't to have fun and not only spend dozen of hours in one body style.
    --- Post updated ---
    I'm afraid not, it's copyrighted stuff and i'd rather do my own derby skins, or that people do their own or inspired too.
    All the demo derby stuff is quite WIP for now, but it will be worked on to be far better.
    --- Post updated ---
    i'm sorry i missed your question about the trim. By trimless you mean without rubber ? The holes under the rubber lines are ment to be the fixations holes for the rubber line, though i have to admit i really don't know how it's made on such a bumper. On a Bmw i've restored myself, the rubber was fixed with iron things and needed little holes to accomplish that, so i did the same.

    But for your need, as for the full red handles, you need to alter the normal map where those holes are, and to erase them, then include your new normal map into your skin folder, with the correct path.
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  7. BowlerHatJack

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    Aug 5, 2016
    You just never stop doing quality content do you?
  8. SergentFido

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    May 30, 2015
    Well thanks, i'll try to go on with what was already made.
    It will take time though.
  9. BowlerHatJack

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    Aug 5, 2016
    Sure, take your time! We all have a life outside the forums.
    I'll wait patiently because i know it will be worth it. I think we all felt the wait to be worth it when we tried the mod for the first time.
    I'm not really into cars like this one and I absolutely love this mod. I guess that says something there.
  10. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    I did a modified and, and I successfully removed the holes in the bumpers. However, I couldn't get rid of the handle features. No matter what I tried, nothing with the handles changed, so I gave up and ended up deleting the modified files I did. I'll probably do new ones to have trimless bumpers without holes, but not to make the handles entirely red.

    Another thing, I didn't like the shade of blue on the skin myself, so I changed it after I saw your post.
  11. Vilespring

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    Mar 6, 2015
    Is there the possibility of there being a 4-5 gear manual transmission for this car?

    Driving in manual is just fun, and this amazing car in only automatic is kinda, okay.
    I love the cars so much, and the fine details between each config and all the options, like how the junkyard one, how the doors fall off if you look at it funny, how the frame's weaker, and haw the engine stops if it touches anything.

    EDIT: I'm stupid and I found they do in fact exist, just most engines don't have it. Don't mind me for being stupid and not looking first...

    Car is still lovely, btw, hope you know that.
    #931 Vilespring, Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
  12. MisterKenneth

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    Mar 26, 2016
    Some more progress.
    As I said, I changed the shade of blue. Won't be too much longer that I'll start working on the red stripes. I want to get a few touch ups done before I get started on the red stripes. I plan to make the blue fade into the white and red.
    1.PNG 2.PNG 3.PNG
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  13. SergentFido

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    May 30, 2015
    Your blue is far better.

    For your handles you need also to modify the mainparts_D to get the full handle being chrome, that means it have to be black in the alpha channel. That will provide the shininess for the red color.
    Then your modified will provide the paintable color. But the main issue, that i forgot about, (sorry for thinking while writting) is that the center of handle isn't a part of the UV skin system, so its second UV map is a tiny little thing in the bottom left corner of the uv map. But it's still possible. To do you mod, you'll need to duplicate the doors jbeam and the doors mesh in blender, then place the second uv map of the handle's center in a special area, maybe inside the handle outlines. And then your car preset will call your own doors instead of the regular one.

    But the easier way would be that all the cars with fully painted trim like the FBI would get painted doors handles. But that means for me creating a new texture just for that feature.
    But i understand the need as i think the FBI car would be better without the olds stuff.

    Also i will create a topic about the "oldsfullsize skin creation" by reposting the templates so that you could show your work in progress in a special topic. I will post the link here when created.
    Because here is the topic about the main mod feedback. It's fine to speak about skins but maybe not everybody is interested in it, and also all will be diluted here. And the discussion will be about skins, help, ideas specifically.
    #933 SergentFido, Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
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  14. SergentFido

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    May 30, 2015

    In fact those things were discussed before release and we decided to release the stock cars with only automatic gears, like the real ones.
    But for the 2nd release, i think that most engine could get manual engine, like if they were modified by their owner or a garagist.
    The only thing is the mesh reprensents always a TH350 like auto transmission, and then a generic manual gearbox object should be added.
  15. qwerty9586

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    Sep 29, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  16. SergentFido

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    May 30, 2015
    It's great, i was the first to rate it !

    I've done the new thread in Mods and Skins, to speak about WIP skins stuff :

    Please use it from now. I mean no problems to tell you've released a skin pack, but for lots of WIP images and questions, there is the new topic for that. Thanks !
  17. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    Correction, Serge.

    My dad's uncle's or grandfather's Oldsmobile was actually a 98 Regency Sedan [without the rear fender skirts] with a red interior. I tried my best to recreate what it looked like based on details my dad told me.
    screenshot_00552.png screenshot_00553.png screenshot_00554.png screenshot_00555.png screenshot_00556.png
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  18. MehmetErdemErcin

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    Sep 21, 2013
    This is a beautiful mod. We just need a little bit of FPS improvements and this is a very detailed mod.
    #938 MehmetErdemErcin, Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
  19. Vilespring

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    Mar 6, 2015
    I noticed all of that, and (after breaking the mod multiple times) I figured out how to add multiple manual transmissions. They do look outta place as a manual transmission that looks like an automatic transmission.

    I also made a garbage radiator for the junk version that makes it drivable, but it requires to be idled to cool, or given a quick dunk in a puddle when being driven longish distances for a junk car.
  20. pankyknarf

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    Oct 29, 2013
    Hey @SergentFido was weighing and watching. You in the future can model a Chevrolet Caprice of the 80's, as the Oldsmobile Delta has basically the same platform and sides of the car are very similar, except the tail of the car and the front. He considers it in the near future? Regards!
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