In this video I'll show you how to center the Vehicle in Blender so you don't have weird stuff happening in BeamNG : )
glad you like the video! I can't see the video you posted, it says private Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What do you mean too? Yours is the only video in the thread, drowsy did the same as I did and posted a picture of your video.
This is embarrassing guys, I will get the video public soon just have to make some changes brb! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk UPDATE: video is public!!
Slight problem with your tutorial.. Selecting every object and applying location, rotation and scale, screws props up, props don't use the origin like that, they use the origin as a pivot point, like in the centre of the steering wheel for example. So doing this will ruin it, you'd need to deselect all the props before doing so. Oh and, the 3d cursor does not matter, just doing CTRL+A works, it sets the origin to 0,0,0, not to the 3d cursor. Good tutorial anyways, wrong forum category though.
Thanks Sam! my first ever tutorial on youtube!, I didn't know you didn't have to move the 3D coursor that sure saves time, I'll have to learn more about pivot points, how is that set up? Is it through Jbeam programing or blender?? I want to make a video of it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, please learn more about Beamng modding before making a tutorial. Second time I've had to tell you...