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Safe mode and some PostFX features do not work.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Baden_Airpark, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. Baden_Airpark

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    Nov 3, 2020
    Hello Dev´s

    I recently found an issue where i couldnt use custom postfx presets anymore. It just would not change anything.
    I also discovered that if i change the postfx in the manager by myself, there is nothing doing anything at the "HDR" section. it wont even change something if i acivate/deactivate it. (even after a few minutes) I also tried in Safe mode but it converted my settings into safe mode. and after i changed some of them in safe mode, i restarted the game in normal mode and the settings where saved from Safe mode. i think i got a big Problem there bc it even showed my mods in Safe mode. it just deactivated them but also updated two and they got activated then. Idk what is wrong. I would appreciate your help for my Problem. (i tried all of this several times)

    Oh and this fence does not exist (anymore) ;) [pic]

    Attached Files:

    • Screenshot258.png
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