Reworking the police skins for the Covet, the Burnside and the BX-series

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by GavrilMarshall, Sep 20, 2024 at 4:37 PM.

  1. GavrilMarshall

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    Sep 5, 2024
    The Burnside State Police skin is obviously outdated compared to the new skins!

    Also, the Diana and the Covet police skins could be a bit more faithful to the original japanese one, like with the Gendarmerie Sunburst and the Polizia Vivace :D

    And for the 240-BX one, I know it might just be a matter of taste, but I find the font... weird? The older one was better I think :)

    Attached Files:

    • screenshot_2024-04-19_10-37-20.png
    • screenshot_2024-04-19_10-38-27.png
    • screenshot_2024-04-19_10-43-04.png
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