Replay: Like Rigs of Rods, it has replay mode, but BeamNG has Slow Motion, maybe BeamNG should have Replay too so you can see the epic crashes you did. And it's activation/deactivation button could be Ctrl+I. But, Rigs of Rods' replay can only function on one car at one time, BeamNG should have the replay mode function work on all cars at one time. Horn: Every common cars usually have horns, but none on BeamNG do, maybe BeamNG should have horn sounds to honk at the cars coming to you from "Chasing Player AI".
Please use the searchbar. It's there for a reason. The "Replay Mode" idea has been thrown around quite a few times in multiple threads. Before posting new ideas, make sure it hasn't already been posted. I agree that horns should be added. The developers said they were planning on redoing all of the sounds, so horns would probably be included.
or, once multiplayer is implemented, at people on the wrong side of the road, or just coming towards you