Unsolved Possible Bug - Large groups of forest objects break Null Detail

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Average Person, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Average Person

    Average Person
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    Jul 8, 2015
    I'm currently setting up custom objects that use the auto billboards for their fading effect and are then culled out with a null detail, this works when its imported as a static object as well as in the shape editor but the forest objects seem to get stuck on the billboard detail or shortly switch to the null detail and then back to the billboard detail, I've also checked and forest objects can be culled out with a null detail but they seem to have some sort of weird bug with the auto billboards always showing as the last lod, also it seems to be temporarily fixed by reimporting the model but restarting the game breaks it again even if the cache is cleared.
    Edit: this seems to be related to how pixel size is calculated when you have a large patch of the same forest object.
    If you have your object structured with a null detail under a auto billboard and then use that as a forest object it will work if you paint a small amount but if you paint a large group the objects will quickly flash to the null detail and then back to the auto billboard.
    #1 Average Person, Jan 3, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Average Person

    Average Person
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    Jul 8, 2015
    Update: I was able to get forest objects to go from auto billboard -> nulldetail if the forest objects where in a small group, but when I painted a larger group of the objects and then restarted the game they would transition to auto billlboard -> nulldetail -> auto billboard.
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