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Performance issues while watching netflix on Internet explorer

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by crazikyle, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. crazikyle

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    Sep 3, 2013
    After the 0.7 update, beamng does not run well when I am watching netflix on a separate monitor. I average about 40 fps on gridmap, with horrendous stuttering. I watch netflix on internet explorer, version 11.0.9600.18500, updated windows 8.1 and fresh installs of nvidia graphics drivers. The game is running in fullscreen mode as well, with a mix of medium-high settings, but I should easily be able to push 60. This issue only appears when watching netflix on IE; I tested with youtube on IE and netflix on chrome with no issues.
    An interesting side note: The very brief lack of spikes to the very far right side of the graph occured when I made Internet explorer the active window. So it runs just fine when it is not the active window, which I find somewhat counterintuitive.
  2. Car crusher

    Car crusher
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    Nov 17, 2013
    Two things. I'd like to ask for your specs, and also, can you watch Netflix on a different browser (not on yt)?IMO IE is horrible. It's sluggish and a pain to use, so I'd avoid it at all costs.
  3. crazikyle

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    Sep 3, 2013
    2 gtx 970s, i75820k, 16 gigs of ram.
    I use IE for netflix because chrome doesn't go to 1080, only goes up to 720. It really isn't that bad if all you do is watch netflix.
    It used to be just fine, I;d watch netflix and play beamng all day but after 0.7 thats not really an option any more due to the stuttering.
  4. Car crusher

    Car crusher
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    Nov 17, 2013
    Wow, beefy. And yes, I've just read that Internet explorer is the only browser which can do 1080p. Right now I recommend upgrading to w10, as it has Microsoft edge instead of IE, which also has 1080 support for Netflix. I'd also imagine it would run better. Or use Netflix's app https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/netflix/9wzdncrfj3tj
    OT- how can you stand Windows 8? It's just an eyesore which is a pain to navigate IMO.
  5. Narwhal

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    Aug 4, 2013
    i personally really like windows 8.

    as for your issue, did you check if your computer power plan options got changed?
  6. crazikyle

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    Sep 3, 2013
    Ew, windows 10. I despise that OS with every fiber of my being. Everytime I use it is presents more and more problems. Updating to the anniversary edition was an absolute nightmare that took two whole days to get right, through a combo of slow internet speeds and windows constantly trying to install the update to a blank hard drive. The first time, I did it twice, only to realise that it installed to my laptops second, slower drive, which was the original, and not the SSD I had and booted from all the time. Next two times, I had a totally 100% blank drive there, and windows still tried to put the update there. The only file on the drive was the anniversary edition update. So after two days, I finally figured out that you can only have one hard drive installed when updating windows 10.

    Secondly, when I did try to use it on my desktop to play forza 3, I bought an SSD, cloned my laptop to the SSD and tried to boot my desktop to windows 10. It went well, I installed the necessary drivers and played forza horizon 3 for a few hours, and decided to go back to windows 8. Nope! Windows 10 though it would be a great idea to "repair" my windows 8 drive, and the thing was corrupted and screwed up. I could not download anything, install anything, run any recovery programs, such as chkdsk, or even refresh my PC. After about 4 hours of messing around, it finally got everything fixed and working. Promptly formatted the windows 10 SSD and now have more space for games.

    Also, it thinks it's being "helpful" by restarting during "off hours" but being a college student with all afternoon classes, my sleep schedule makes no sense. So I've been working on labs when it's randomly decided to restart a few times.

    And it's really slow. My brother and I used to have the exact same system, (Fx 8320, same mobo, hard drive, ram, etc) and windows 10 takes forever to load on his system. I could shut down, restart and launch a game twice before he can even start an internet browser.

    And then there's the privacy issue. I don't have too many issues with this, but there was a reason it was a free upgrade for a long while. I hate the notifications that always pop up, cortana asking me every hour if I want to set reminders or other crap. And the fact that it comes pre loaded with candy crush is a huge red flag in my book.

    FInally, I'm perfectly happy with windows 8. All my games and programs work fine, I know where my files are, and I can't even count all the random obscure programs I use and would be mildly upset if they were deleted when upgrading to windows 10. And it costs money now. I'm not spending $100 for something which would give me minimal benefits.

    So any ideas why I'm getting lag spikes with netflix on IE?
    --- Post updated ---
    Yeah, it hasn't changed. This is the only instance where I have any performance issues, GTA V still runs at 60fps on Ultra, beamng runs fine so long as I'm not watching netflix on IE.
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  7. Narwhal

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    Aug 4, 2013
    about the only reason im running 10 is because my file drives show up as raw data in windows 7 and i dont have an 8 install disk. (i know that wasnt directed at me, but meh, thought i would chime in)
    Well, as i said(you may have missed?) check powerplan settings to make sure they didnt get changed. I just tried watching netflix on my system and playing beamng and was getting normal fps. I had collisions disabled, so maybe try that to take some load off the cpu if its that?(i doubt it, but doesnt hurt to check) After that im out of ideas.

    just saw your update. so its not powerplan. maybe check some temps/clock speeds? see if they go down at all?
  8. crazikyle

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    Sep 3, 2013
    Yeah, it hasn;t channged. This is the only instance where I have any performance issues, GTA V still runs at 60fps on Ultra, beamng runs fine so long as I'm not watching netflix on IE
    Temps are solid, clock speeds don't change at all. Its a GPU problem for sure. Also, I don't know if this is useful at all, but task manager flashes in an odd way. I'm uploading a video right now.
    Edit: Heres a link for when its live:
  9. torsion

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    May 31, 2015
    FWIW a recent windows update something, which I assume was a windows update, recently changed the settings inside my power plan. I was still on the same power plan, but with different settings.
  10. crazikyle

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    Sep 3, 2013
    I checked, and everything is set to 100%. Even if my power plan changed, I'd expect to see performance issues across many games, not just one game under one very specific set of circumstances.
    4 are running off one GPU. I've tried disabling SLI but that didn't help. I also turned off hardware accel in the settings, and that also didn't help.
  11. ThreeDTech21

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    Sep 27, 2013
    What I do is run one screen on one of my GPUs and another screen another,

    For example screen 1 is physically plugged into GPU 1 and screen 2 is plugged into GPU 2

    I run games on Screen 1 and watch Netflix on Screen 2

    Each screen is being fed by a separate GPU so it works.

    If you turn on SLI it won't work the above method works only with SLI turned off.

    When you want to use SLI disable one of the screens and play the game on a single screen with both the screens on and SLI on you will have issues
  12. SixSixSevenSeven

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    Sep 13, 2013
    Everyone here is missing one thing.

    Chrome uses software decoded video, this only uses your CPU.
    Ie and edge use the gpu.

    Beamng is doing because 2 applications are accessing the gpu at once, while one of those applications is a lighter load, simultaneous access isn't something they like and can cause some major drops
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