Cancelled Online scenario records

Discussion in 'Programming' started by Funky7Monkey, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    I am currently testing a way of recording (and recalling) scenario results on an external server. Right now, it's using a Raspberry Pi, with a combination of Python and Lua and using FTP for data transfer. The Raspberry Pi is running an FTP server, and when a scenario finishes in, it will send the results (what you see when you finish a scenario) to the FTP server (using Lua.Socket), where it then gets processed with Python and combined with everything that it has previously received. The plan is to have the Raspberry Pi running a webpage that displays all of the data, and/or have the data displayed in game (thanks to Lua.Socket).

    Now, there are some bugs to be worked out. The most significant is getting Lia.Socket to reliably connect and send data to the FTP server. Unfortunately, this often fails, however I believe it had something to do with the settings on the FTP server.

    My current configuration will not be public. I have neither the bandwidth nor resources to allow it. [EDIT] I recalculated the bandwidth required, and I do have it. It also may be functional on a Raspberry Pi, I will test that. [/EDIT] In addition, FTP really isn't secure enough for this, and all of the data being plaintext makes it rather easy to cheat ridiculous stats onto the server. This project is more of a proof of concept. If possible, I would like to get this project fully working and public.
    #1 Funky7Monkey, Sep 14, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
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  2. StinchinStein

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    Jul 16, 2014
    Good luck! I planned on doing this at some point (but I never had the motivation to start on it).

    Hope it works out well! :)
  3. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    We have something similar planned, just so you know ;)
    • Like Like x 18
  4. Funky7Monkey

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    Oct 12, 2014
    Alright, I'm still going to do it, mainly to give myself something to do :p I really enjoy complex projects like these, even if it's to satisfy nobody besides myself.
    • Like Like x 4
  5. tdev

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 3, 2012
    Its awesome to see guys tinkering around, this is how i got into the topic 10 years ago as well ;)

    I just wanted to let you know upfront so you know.
    • Like Like x 3
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