KOH Ultra 4 style buggy build. need help getting in game

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by ScreamingZ1, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. ScreamingZ1

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    Mar 24, 2016
    hey guys. been working a little bit on this buggy build.

    i was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me get it in game. again i am not good with folder structure.

    i would like to just get it in game to work on suspension tuning and node weight tweaking. im not worried about everything having a flexbody (what i call the eye candy.. cant remember if that what they are called in beamn or not :D) after i get it tuned i will work on getting all the little details worked out.

    i can write and engine and transmission etc if the jbeams were written with all the slots etc, i only know the specs lol.

    im not even for sure if it could be put in game so i didnt want to spend any more hours on it till i knew if so or not.

    if anyone wants to help shoot me a PM and ill send you all the jbeams i have exported from blender, which are pictured. all credit would be given where credit is due, along with the multitude you would do as i understand that im doing the easy part!

    *** With that being said, i just think the community DESERVES some sort of offroad buggy with cool suspension. its what i think most people think of when playing beamn but we dont have a single one! ***

    Thank you for any interest or even just for looking!

    Attached Files:

    • 1.png
    • 2.png
    • 3.png
  2. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    I can't help you much, since I don't know much myself, but you could atleast recalculate normals (Ctrl + N in Edit Mode) on the dark parts :p
  3. ScreamingZ1

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    Mar 24, 2016
    Thanks for the tip!
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