Jbeam Rework

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by nopeset0, Sep 19, 2024 at 7:10 PM.

  1. nopeset0

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    Feb 24, 2021
    I thought about this for a lot of while but it sounds weird and does not make sense but here i am posting it anyways!
    Since jbeams are points and lines (nodes and beams) that beam ng bend based on interaction. and then bend the car's mesh too..
    Thus my idea is that since 3d models are polygons... why dont beam ng just take the 3d model add nodes on the corners of the polygons and uhh in the middle of polygons where there are no points make them beams.
    This shall highly increase simulation quallity and fix certain issues i suppose such as Interior crash simulation and car parts such as bumper and engine bay clipping with car wheels (Etk-I series)
  2. Schmitti

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    Jul 23, 2023
    This wouldn't be able to run smoothly on any pc, which is not used by NASA. This video shows it pretty good
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. nopeset0

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    Feb 24, 2021
    then get one good pc used by nasa :)
  4. Turbo49>

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    Apr 1, 2021
    Not a good idea, not only would there be like 100x more nodes to simulate, the engine would also need to run 100x as fast (numbers pulled out of my ass btw) so the cars remain stable, and i'm not sure it's possible to run something at 200kHz on a computer lol. There are a lot of other ways to improve what you said that are much more feasible, like adding beam collision, which is apparently something the devs are trying to do
  5. Dummiesman

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    Sep 17, 2013
    As others said, It wouldn't run well, and it's also just not how the physics system works.

    Physics structures are specially tuned, and constructed, and require lots of work to do so.
    If you turn a 3D model into a node/beam structure, it will just fall apart

    Higher density structures would also in turn require a higher physics framerate. Currently physics are simulated at 2000fps and some people still struggle with just that.
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