Can't create a prop function for a EV power gauge

Discussion in 'Programming' started by mrkelkel, Jul 2, 2024 at 5:22 PM.

  1. mrkelkel

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    Aug 18, 2013
    So I'm trying to add an analog EV power gauge with a needle that moves according to the instantaneous power consumption.
    With the speedometer or fuel gauge, one just specifies "wheelspeed" or "fuel" in the "func" field of the props section. I've been trying to find the correct "func" name for the EV motor power, but putting in the vanilla EV car controller sections hasn't worked:
        "controller": [
            ["gauges/genericGauges", {"name":"gauges", }],
        "gauges": {
            "displayData": {
                "customModules": [
                    ["moduleName", "property"]
                    ["electricMotorData", "currentPower"],
                    ["electricMotorData", "remainingRange"],
                    ["electricMotorData", "consumptionGraph"],
       "props": [
            ["func", "mesh", "idRef:","idX:","idY:", "baseRotation", "rotation", "translation", "min", "max", "offset", "multiplier"],
            ["wheelspeed",   "enuo_needle_KMH",    "dshl","dsh2l","dshr",        {"x":0, "y":90, "z":180}, {"x":0, "y":-3.83 , "z":-0}, {"x":0, "y":0, "z":0}, 0, 75, 0, 1.6],
            ["currentPower",     "enuo_needle_KW",    "dshl","dsh2l","dshr",        {"x":0, "y":90, "z":180}, {"x":0, "y":-3.83 , "z":-0}, {"x":0, "y":0, "z":0}, 0, 75, 0, 16],
    So can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
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