BX remaster suggested configs

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by SNFriedM14, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. SNFriedM14

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    Jul 8, 2021
    Hello people of Forumtown. The 200bx remaster/rework/remake/redo/repercussions/whatever you wanna call it is phenomenal. However, I couldn't help but notice some realistic configurations for this car are missing. Since I'm delusional and assume the devs will magically listen to me specifically out of all the people on this website, I thought I'd share what these configs are.

    1. Demon
    Lore: Remember the old demon? Imagine that did every drug known to man. What started life as a regular ol' 240BX hatch got it's guts ripped out and replaced with a TT 5.5L V8 making 1270 horespower designed for late night less than legal roll races on Texas highways. Without nitrous activated. Nitrous pushes it up to 1350. It's absolutely friggin terrifying. It wheelspins in 5th gear. It can go 250 on the WCUSA freeway with room to stop before the tunnel corner. The name's ironic because it's so scary it makes atheists pray to god.

    2. Stance/Sadboi
    Lore: Once upon a time in a suburb of Belasco City their lived a 19 year old boy. Let's call him Timmy. Timmy had no friends. Timmy spent 14 hours a day doomscrolling on KitKot. One day while scrolling, he found a video with 250k likes of a person buying a 500 dollar 240bx. Timmy had 500 dollars and, more importantly, a neverending desire for internet clout. One thing led to another, and he bought a 240bx of his own. He needed clout, so he did the only reasonable thing he could: cut the springs, add stupid amounts of negative camber, plastidip it pink, bolt on a crappy fiberglass widebody, give it a fixed headlight front end, and add broken heart stickers all over it. This experience changed Timmy. His favorite genre of music became emo rap, and his favorite artist Milk PLNET. His catchphrase became "my car is the only thing that makes me happy." He added one of those "drive safe" stickers as well. But none of this mattered. Timmy gained 10k followers on KitKot from posting his car. The end. As for the car, alongside all the aforementioned mods, it has a quick release Nomi steering wheel, an obnoxiously loud exhaust, and a turbo that makes barely any horsepower. It revs to 8k RPM though, which does nothing except make it that much more infuriating when he drives by your house at 2AM. It also has this weird tendency to steer on its own. This is probably from the camber, but I like to assume it's because it wants to crash into a tree because no BX deserves such a horrible fate.

    3. Drift Missile
    Lore: Someone spent 1000 dollars on a 240bx. This was too much for him, so he took 500 dollars worth of body panels and interior bits off the car, added more steering angle, welded the diff, bolted on a 30 dollar turbo, and had his friend who "sorta knows how to weld" make a roll cage. All this led to one of the drift cars of all time, all for less than $1k. (Note: in the beam universe, BX's aren't absurdly priced.) (Note 2: devs if you're reading this please add back the old paint)
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