Texas, USA 1.1a

Farmlands and forests of Texas

  1. scrollcaps
    Version: 1.0
    One of my favorite maps. I love taking an estate car along the long straight highways watching the suspension as it gracefully absorbs the slightly bumpy road. I don't care that it has reused assets because I don't believe that makes a difference to the quality of the map. A good piece of art isn't made by being original, it's made by having a soul. I know this this the US and the US was built without a soul, but that doesn't mean games can't replicate it with a soul. ❤️
    One thing I wish for is that the highways wouldn't abruptly end, rather circle back at one point of the map or another.
    1. themanhacc
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review

      Highway loops unfortunately are pretty unlikely to be made, as this would require rearranging the maps stuff, and I am currently working on another map (which will have a loop road)
  2. KillerBee 2
    KillerBee 2
    Version: 1.0
    Man do I love this map. Nice and big and layed out nicely. So many big maps people get lazy and leave things sparce. Now all you need is a drag strip and a race track and it would fit nicley in a RP server.
    1. themanhacc
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, unfortunately it's pretty unlikely that I will add race tracks or drag strips.
  3. Eslf BR
    Eslf BR
    Version: 1.0
    Good map!
  4. Sharkdude0422
    Version: 1.0
    ooooooh looks nice! Just wait for Camodo Gaming to get a hold of this- Texas is where he lives. where in Texas- I don't know
  5. Iridescent
    Version: 1.0
    Pretty good, feels somewhat copy-paste though. Not many interesting features. Good for what it is.
    1. themanhacc
      Author's Response
      Not like lots of the US isn't copy-paste
  6. Cookiehead
    Version: 1.0
    really good map, love the detail
  7. DannyZGR15
    Version: 1.0
    Nice going, pardner.
  8. Angry_Bird
    Version: 1.0
    Nicely done map! Could expand the map with highway loops
  9. krizzzgaming
    Version: 1.0
    Has most of the things you need: A big highway, some smaller roads, some bad roads and also some fun dirt roads in the forest and in the fields.
  10. waboll
    Version: 1.0
    The map is very good i really love the texas feel you got that perfect, i just wish there was more details in the town, better driveways that are paved and stuff like that
  11. JurassicPark253
    Version: 1.0
    This map will be perfect for anyone recreating the final chase sequence from, "Death Proof"! Especially the highway section!
    Well done!
  12. PonkerDonker
    Version: 1.0
    Reminds me of... well... the flats of Texas, heh.
  13. coolcarguy#1
    Version: 1.0
    Fills a perfect niche that other maps have failed to get.
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