Rigel Tinto Wagon - Auto-Matiq 1.0

Top version - Automatic box

  1. Skygel14
    Rigel Tinto Wagon

    In 1992 Rigel launched its first best seller, the Tinto, a 4-meter compact vehicle which seeks to gain a foothold in the tough European market.

    A year later, in 1993, the family version of the Tinto called “Wagon” was presented. The Tinto Wagon arrives with the intention of conquering families that need more space, adventurers looking for a lot of luggage for their hobbies or simply someone who wants more luggage capacity. It will be available at the end of 1993 and beginning of 1994.

    Practical, durable, spacious, are some of its main attributes. As is customary in the brand, several versions have been designed to satisfy the demand of a large public target, both in petrol engines and diesel engines.

    Wagon Auto-Matiq: The top of the Wagon range, maximum comfort and luxury details with its leather interior, sunroof and double front airbag. Its comfort is combined with a large 105-horsepower 2.2-liter diesel engine and the smoothness of a 5-speed automatic gearbox. As standard it is sold with the new ¨NAV Route¨ display to know the status of the vehicle and different witnesses.


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Recent Reviews

  1. Historiaconn
    Version: 1.0
    Nice wagon top trim (●'◡'●)
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