Retro South Korean Police Pack 1.0

Some cars with the retro blue and white South Korean Police liveries.

  1. BMG_PLR54
    So... It's been two years since I last made a skin. Anyway, this puts South Korean Police liveries on the 1st Gen Ibishu Pessima, and the ETK I-Series. The addon also adds red lightbars for the cars too, giving them the retro look of the South Korean Police in the 1980s.

    I would recommend getting this license plate addon. You don't necessarily need it, but it'll make the car look better with the liveries.

    screenshot_2023-07-31_19-58-08.png screenshot_2023-07-31_19-58-28.png screenshot_2023-07-31_19-59-41.png screenshot_2023-07-31_20-00-00.png

Recent Reviews

  1. Minke
    Version: 1.0
    와 90년대 클래식 느낌 살려서 모드 올려주시다니 너무 감사해요!!
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