Pessima Race Skin (WIP) 0.1

Race Skin for the Pessima vehicles.

  1. MindMythFilms
    upload_2023-8-20_17-54-49.png upload_2023-8-20_17-54-49.png

    Some of my members asked me to make a skin for the Pessima.
    'I can't really find any good skins for them'' was what they said.

    So here i go, they loved it so i decided to share it with the world :)

    If you need any help with installing this custom skin, please reach out on and i will be more than happy to help you.

    This skin is a real world design mixed with fictional and a real world sponsors: NICKEL the perfect admin tool for your BEAMMP servers.

    This is still a work in progress, some of the decals i copied and pasted in the back of the vehicle as placeholders till i replace them with something else.


    1. screenshot_2023-08-12_17-27-57.png
    2. screenshot_2023-08-12_17-32-54.png

Recent Reviews

  1. YumiNee
    Version: 0.1
    Thats a really nice skin! keep up the good work :D
    1. MindMythFilms
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much for your review and the support!
  2. adojule
    Version: 0.1
    My Nickel logo is awesome <3
    1. MindMythFilms
      Author's Response
      It does look awesome huh!
  3. gary r
    gary r
    Version: 0.1
    Looks good
    1. MindMythFilms
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much for your support!
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