  1. fillman86
    not 100% accurate to LMP2, because I used a game to make it. Though it has the right amount of power, and reaches very similar track times to the real deal. It's also not exactly the one used in the video where I made it, because it was over spec'd.

    Now with way more drag, slightly more downforce, and making the right amount of limited power of 540 hp from its 4.2L v8

    if you want the regulations this was build to, and to watch the video where the car was divised, you'll find it all here -

Recent Reviews

  1. Chicken42
    Version: 1.0
    Actually not bad engine wise just handling needs some work - the car tries to 2 wheel every corner and the steering wheel in the cockpit has like a 10 degree radius
  2. PantherThunder22
    Version: 1.0
    lmpenis go brrrrrrrrr
  3. ILikeToast
    Version: 1.0
    A fun car to drive! Working onboard camera and steering wheel!
    Great job Fillman :)
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