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Beta Desert Highway 2021.12.29

Now 75 Miles of Roads!

  1. smk020
    Version: 13.1.01
    It is a map that must never exist in my life!
    I often enjoy driving on this map

    There is no map in BeamNG Drive that allows you to enjoy high-speed driving for a long time like this map
    If possible, make a long and big map like this map

    Because the translator is used, the sentence can be a little awkward

    From Korea!
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
    Version: 13.1.01
    Nice!!! Finally i have a better map
  3. LookingForMods
    Version: 13.1.01
    Hope My Game Will Work Well On This Map
  4. corboian
    Version: 13.1.01
    good but i wish large maps load faster
  5. Boghy
    Version: 13.1.01
  6. turdstomper
    Version: 13.1.01
    Awesome map to drive around on!
  7. azmi222124rr
    Version: 13.1.01
    I clap in standing
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      I thank while sitting :)
  8. Jeremy Clarkson 2
    Jeremy Clarkson 2
    Version: 13.1.01
    I love this map because you can really wind every car to the top speed and can use all the power.
    Runs really well
    I like the variety of roads and areas, particularly enjoyed the slopes and how uneven the roads are, makes it a bit more fun and challenging
    Great work
  9. Mr. KittyCat
    Mr. KittyCat
    Version: 13.1.01
    This... it's an masterpiece! Really cool map! It's just what i wanted! Good for high speed police chases or doing rollovers!
    Great work!
  10. Rovvioli
    Version: 13.1.01
    I love this map but my one problem is for me the river doesn't push me and it doesn't even exist in parts, like under it right after the lake. I wonder if there is a way to fix this.
  11. Conor R
    Conor R
    Version: 13.1.01
    Nice map love crashing and just plain out driving aswell leep it up.
  12. MisterOLDY
    Version: 13.1.01
    nice map, nice job, a big thank you!!!
    I have a little youtube channel on which I make video clips, and I used your map for my last clip : here is the link if you want to see my video, still a big thank you to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIAH2qjMH_Q
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Thanks to you for 5 stars!
  13. Querion
    Version: 13.1.01
    Stellar map. Good design, lots of open space to run, not too much vegetation so those of us rocking PotatOS can still run it.
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      "PotatOS" Brilliant. I'm using this.
  14. NicoleHira
    Version: 13.1.01
    reminds me a lot of driving up the 5 in California or going through the desert up to Vegas. really cool
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Thanks! Glad you liked it
  15. xDanielxOossiex
    Version: 13.1.01
    First thought: Really awesome map!

    There's a lot of road to drive on, and best of all: the road is realistic. They're not flat, but also not too bumpy. When going 100Km/h, you don't really feel the bumps in the road. But when you're going really fast (300-350Km/h), you will definitely feel them.

    It's a really big map and fps is great on it (on GTX1070, i7 4790k and 24GB ram), but there's not a lot of decoration so that might help.
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      The aesthetics leave a lot to be desired, I know. Thanks
  16. SkrubXela
    Version: 13.1.01
    Well Modeled, Well.... Almost everything, Were talk'n from roads to houses to bridges, this has become my fav. map SO Quickly Because theres so much you can do on this map Police chases, Flying a jet (Even if the map is HUGE Somehow a jet can get across the map at like 600 MPH xD and it ends up taking little time, But in a car. It sure takes a lot longer.

    (P.S. The engines overheat SO QUICKLY, ITS SO REALISTIC! (from the environment to the car) P.P.S I know this note is going to be long but, Please conciter checking out my youtube channel, I'm thinking about starting a BeamNG.drive series :D

    LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSyXKfj8-OY7_1TMJZ6FdVg

    Thanks if you did
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the 5 stars, Sunken!
  17. Fares_NOS
    Version: 13.1.01
    it didnt work for me
    the game crashed

    but from the reviews and the screenshots its looking that you made a lot of work on it , and you seem curious to make it better
    so i rated it 5 probably because my PC 64 bit or not having enough ram

    my PC specs is 4 GB RAM / HD 6450 with 2GB VRAM / 2 Duo Processor E7500

    and if there's an less intensive version of it . even if older i'd be thankful
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Hey thanks for not dropping a one star on this just because it didn't work :) . Yeah, you need more RAM to run it, 6-8gb at least I'd say. Hopefully you get a better PC someday!
  18. DimaStrelnikov 2
    DimaStrelnikov 2
    Version: 13.1.01
    Nice map
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Glad you like it.
  19. noahiscool565
    Version: 13.1.01
    Great map overall.
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      Thank you
  20. TheSleepster
    Version: 13.1.01
    Really love this map.... thanks for making it! I like to make it dark and make the ai drive a super fast car while in dash camera.... but the size and the shape of this terrain lets me do so many other things too, so awesome.
    1. iheartmods
      Author's Response
      You can certainly make it night! Check out the environment tab and change the Time of Day
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