Beta DakarNG 0.75

The Eye Of The Sahara- Off-road Nascar!

  1. bussin.buses
    Version: 0.75
    it's not the best, but it's not too shabby
    i'll give it five stars to compensate for all the other reviews that are false
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      Thanks dude! I pushed an update to the MP server today ;)
  2. Derp_de_Herp
    Version: 0.75
    I'm not saying it's no WCUSA, but it's better than anything I can make so don't let the negative reviews discourage you from working more on your mapping skills
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      thanks dude! Been working on a few other bits for the next patch!!
  3. Spencer Johnson
    Spencer Johnson
    Version: 0.75
    Ehh it's ok
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      its too small, but although it feels great 1:1, at full scale I'm not satisfied with the surface detail so working on it a different way than the world editor.
  4. SubieBerry
    Version: 0.75
    It's just Johnson Valley but with the main area replaced with a low quality model and textures from Google earth, and the scale doesn't seem right at all. I like the idea, but the execution leaves much to be desired...
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      ye, wanted to get a feel for the scale before detailing a whole map, its too small on this scale imo.... these quick laps do have certain charm though
  5. Nazu
    Version: 0.75
    holy shit people need to quit being so harsh
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      ye, luckily Lions dont concern themselves with opinions of sheep:)
  6. crazycreepper128
    Version: 0.75
    dakar more like dafak
    1. nyangau
  7. TurboTheSergal
    Version: 0.75
    I have read the reviews and thought "it cant be that bad" and decided to try it... well.... it IS that bad.
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      sorry you didnt enjoy yourself.
  8. Agent_Y
    Version: 0.51
    I feel like the people who give it 1 star are too harsh, at least it is a working map without any texture issues. That being said it's still not great and absolutely does not deserve to be called a beta (beta means it has all the intended features but just lacks polishing and bugfixes if you didn't know). I'm not even sure if it classifies as alpha since almost nothing is done. It's just Johnson Valley with everything deleted and replaced with a wrong scale real life terrain, the texture is literally from Google Maps, you didn't even delete the text or the grid, it's very low quality and pixelated, and the only object on the whole map is the plane and the sign. which appear to have messy materials and weird LODs. The surroundings don't blend in with the map at all, this shouldn't be released in this state.
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your review, tbh most time i spend at 50+ mph in one of the rings so I dont even see whats beyond the dunes I'm trying to ride and thats why the other details dont get allot of attention. After 100+ laps I just feel its too small for my plans. I'm going to finish up by making it more tidy and adding a loooooooong time trial. Already added a bunch of rocks and stuff (all with bad LODs too XD learning to fix tho)
  9. DerpyGold
    Version: 0.51
    goofy ahh map and even its still beta is trash. charging $100 in patreon wont help☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      its free access to public on patreon so you don't have to pay anything if you don't want (or cant)
  10. Driveline Animations
    Driveline Animations
    Version: 0.51
    1 gigabyte of a yellow platform isn't exactly my cup of tea..
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      Interesting, yellow is normally missing texture. I have seen people download and play it, not to mention the beam mods checked it before uploading it so it must be something on your side, try clearing the cache.
  11. mhegai
    Version: 0.51
    "its work in progress"
    If you havent finished it, dont release it. Its not that difficult to understand, is it. I will probably give a better review once you actually have started putting effort into it.
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      If its not version 1, Dont expect it to be finished. Not that difficult to understand, is it? #freelessoninpunctuation
  12. KillerBee 2
    KillerBee 2
    Version: 0.51
    Sorry man, but this is not ready for primetime. I guess if you are in that group that plays this game on a 10-year-old PC. There is NO detail at all... just endless detailess driving.
    1. nyangau
      Author's Response
      yes thats why its BETA, its work in progress. generally thats how those labels work fyi. The link from patreon has more updated version, but its also still WIP. (thats Work In Progress) Also dunes are not easy to drive, you need to able to think one step ahead, so this map is probably not for you.
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