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2015 Hyundai i30 1.0

aka the Hyundai Elantra GT

  1. PonkerDonker
    Version: 1.0
    This is very well made! Usually most automation remakes suck or are very glitched out but, this one actually works without crashing your game plus it's realistic! Also, I would like a 2000 Nissan Pathfinder remake if you could ;)
  2. Martin.S
    Version: 1.0
  3. MEM756
    Version: 1.0
    Really cool! I can really see why you chose that body ... Also, if I saw this irl, I'd completely not tell it was made in automation! Congrats!
    1. A Cheeseburger
      Author's Response
      Thanks mate! Even when I first saw that body style the first thing I thought of was i30. After seeing and driving it in person I knew I had to make it.
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