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In the upcoming days mod approvals could be slower than normal.
Thank you for your patience.

1996 Holden VS Commodore Executive 1.0

Australian family car ubiquitous in the 1990s

  1. jbl_89
    I created this car from the stock VN shell in Automation with almost all standard available fixtures. It took approximately 40 hours from beginning to end. Seemed like endlessly looking at pictures to try and get the dimensions right! Some parts of the model don't look the greatest - The interior is basic and blocky (kind of lego-ish), as are the headlights and tail lights - that's the limit of creating it completely within Automation without any modelling software used.

    This car has badges which were created by jesuscrust2013 and sludge1957. Thank you

    Peace to all.

    - Jason.



    1. Repository.jpg
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