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Realistic Crashes (BeamNG)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wheelie, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Pengi Wan Kenobi

    Pengi Wan Kenobi
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    Jun 7, 2018
    Pok is a silly billy.
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  2. tsunamidrew

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    Apr 5, 2016
    Cash description: on October 7th,2013 Alex Anderson and his friend Adam Daily challenged Chris Ross and his friend Ralph Marin for a race both cars lost control off a road and crashed

    Injuries: Alex suffered injuries to his spine, scalp, hip and his left upper arm, Adam suffered injuries to his Jaw, Right Elbow, thigh, nose and hip and Ralph suffered injuries to his spine and amputated his right pinky finger

    Map used: Rally Ridge

    Car(s): Toyota Supra and Subaru Impreza

    Aftermath (Lawsuit etc): Alex's Supra can't start anymore and Chris's Impreza has minor damages and both lost their license's for a year

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  3. Stance02

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    Oct 16, 2015
    Crash Description:The dangerous road ''speedpoint'' at Avius Isle has witnessed a devestating crash again, as Andy Clarkson, 62, was driving his newly restored Barstow at a steady 60 mph (the speed limit, although most people go atleast 80). Jeremy Wilman, 60, was seeing how quickly his brand new ETK 800 Series would go. A Land Rover was driving 60 mph on the road. As Jeremy went to overtake him, he did not see the Barstow driving by Andy coming the opposite way. Jeremy did not bother to look when overtaking and went straight into the side of the Barstow, which swerved, clipped the front of the Land Rover and went side on into the ETK, completely crumpling the passenger side. Both cars had no passengers. The Land Rover never stopped, and is still being located by police.

    Injuries (if any): Barstow driver was sent to the hospital by air ambulance, and later died of his injuries. ETK driver was so badly injured he needed roadside surgery.

    Map Used: Avius Isle

    Car(s) Used (you don't have to include authors): ETK 800 Series, Gavril Barstow

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc): The Barstow driver died of his injuries, the ETK driver did not die but was too badly injured to be taken action on.

    Image(s): upload_2018-6-25_18-42-4.png
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  4. Gnarlex™

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    Feb 20, 2015
    Crash Description: Martyn James was driving down Deal's Gap with his motorbike on a saturday evening, when he went into a corner, seeing a car that was driven by Alex Ashton and target-fixating onto the car, crashing into it head-first.
    Injuries (if any): Alex, the driver of the ibishu, came out unscaved, but Martyn wasn't as lucky, breaking his wrist in multiple places and having to get 6 screws and a plate put into it.
    Map used: Dragon's Tail, a.k.a Deals Gap
    Cars used: Custom Sport Bike, Ibishu 200BX
    Aftermath (lawsuit etc.): The damage on the bike and the car got paid by insurance.
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  5. CrashyJames

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    Feb 18, 2016
    Crash Description: Ben Johnson and Daniel Baker were speeding down Garfield Heights in their Ibishu SP-95. They ended up loosing control and t-boning an Ibishu Covet. The driver was 20 year old Tyler McKennedy. Felicia Tayoa witnessed it all and caught it on dash camera and called 911 seconds after the crash.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged: Covet completely split in half. SP-95 had the front torn apart.

    Estimated Repair Cost and/or Totaled: Covet totaled / SP-95 $3,700

    Injuries (If Any) Tyler McKennedy died immediately after falling out of the car. Ben Johnson & Daniel Baker had to go to the hospital.

    Map Used: Garfield Heights

    Cars Used (you don't have to include authors): Ibishu Covet, Ibishu SP-95, Gavril D-Series (Witness)

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc): Tyler's family was shocked, and Ben Johnson lost his licence. Daniel Baker faced no charges.

    Felicia's dash camera caught the crash on camera.

    The front and rear end of the covet shown here.

    The SP-95, nearly totaled.

    Drone shot of the car accident. Right near Garfield Highschool.

    Let me know what you think!
  6. KaanNecip

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    May 1, 2015
    Crash Description: On August 2nd, 2017 a famous comedian John D. Albatross was found dead near his car near of a bridge in ECUSA.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged:
    Completely damaged.

    John D. Albatross died in crash after losing blood.

    Map Used:
    East Coast, USA

    Car Used:
    ETK K-Series Kc6tx Automatic

    Officers thought he drove very fast and he lost his control. But the situation was different. He committed suicide. (His wife died in a plane crash a few weeks ago before crash. He had depression after loss of his wife.) Lovers of him were shocked. He buried in the grave. His comedy programme finished by his TV channel.

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    #606 KaanNecip, Jul 5, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018
  7. Pengi Wan Kenobi

    Pengi Wan Kenobi
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    Jun 7, 2018
    Crash Description: 6:30 pm, 25th of November, 2003. Belasco City, CA.
    Mrs. Fiona Martin, 54, was driving her brown 1998 Gavril Roamer along The Esplanade when she collided with a white 1987 Ibishu Covet, driven by Mr. Mark White, 20, as he was in the middle of an intersection. The Roamer hit the Covet at speeds of at least 50mph, crushing the right side, before rolling several times and coming to a rest on its back. Police and an ambulance were at the scene shortly after.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged:
    1987 Ibishu Covet destroyed, passenger compartment crushed and severely damaged. 1998 Gavril Roamer had major panel damage and the passenger compartment deformed in the rollover.

    Estimated Repair Cost and/or Totalled:
    Both cars totalled

    Injuries (If Any):
    Fiona Martin escaped the Gavril Roamer with a mild concussion and bruising. Mark White was left with a severe concussion and several cracked ribs, as well as a broken arm.

    Map Used:
    West Coast, USA

    Car(s) Used (you don't have to include authors):
    Ibishu Covet, Gavril Roamer

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc):
    Mark Whited sued Fiona Martin and was paid $10,000 in damages. Fiona Martin was later discovered to be doing at least 20mph over the speed limit while distracted by her mobile phone and was charged with dangerous driving by police. Mark White later recovered fully from his injuries, which were acknowledged to be fairly minor by paramedics, given the situation.

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    #607 Pengi Wan Kenobi, Jul 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  8. CrashyJames

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    Feb 18, 2016
    Crash Description: A crash happened. people were waiting for the crash to clear up. Suddenly, boulders came out of the sky, striking 3 vehicles. 1 of them was the crashed one.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged: LeGran completely crushed, front end of EcoSport wrecked, side of the Serdanna damaged.

    Estimated Repair Cost and/or Totaled: $5000 (LeGran Totaled)

    Injuries (If Any) No injuries reported. The driver of the Bruckell LeGran got out safely before the rock slide.

    Map Used: Utah, USA

    Car(s) Used (you don't have to include authors): Bruckell LeGran, Kumisa EcoSport, Tollera Serdanna, Sdolivec Venus (WITNESS) Kumisa LX-250 (WITNESS)

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc): Insurance covered all vehicles, except for the LeGran which was totalled. The LeGran driver, who prefers to be anonymous, just had to buy a new car.

    Image(s) Dashcam Video shows the crash being recorded. No pictures, but you can get a view of what happened.
  9. tsunamidrew

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    Apr 5, 2016
    Crash Description: 1:20 PM Sunday July 15th,2018 Puget Island,Washington,USA
    Roy O'Conner driving a Gavril D series doesn't see a Covet with Robert Leon (Driver) and Richard Lane inside causing a head on collision

    Injuries (if any): Richard suffered stomach injury the other two are fine

    Map used: Puget Island

    Cars used: Gavril D series two paint and 2000 Ibishu Covet

    Aftermath: Because of cctv proof Roy drove in the left lane causing the front end collision and was fined


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    #609 tsunamidrew, Jul 19, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
  10. Tsutarja495

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    Mar 16, 2014
    Crash Description: In the summer of 1997, a 33 year old male went for a track day in his family-owned Group 4 Bolide at the Automation Test Track. However, the steering snapped after exiting Caswal's Carousel, and he slammed into the outside wall. Seconds later, a 200BX slammed into the wreckage of the Bolide, engulfing it in flames.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged: Bolide engulfed in flames, front end of 200BX completely destroyed

    Estimated Repair Cost and/or Totaled: $75000 (Bolide totaled) $5000 (200BX repairs)

    Injuries (If Any) The driver of the Bolide suffered from second and third-degree burns. The 200BX driver was relatively unscathed.

    Map Used: Automation Test Track

    Car(s) Used (you don't have to include authors): Civetta Bolide 390 GTR Group 4, Ibishu 200BX Track

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc): The 200BX driver would return to racing after repairing his car. However, the Bolide driver eventually died of his injuries.


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  11. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    Crash Description: Max Mayfeild (Sunburst) was driving home after a 27 Hour long shift at his workplace when Maria Cosfeild (Pessima) dropped her phone. As she tried to grab it, she drifted into the Westbound lane and smashed into Mayfeild's car at 43 MPH, totaling both of the cars. Dr. Ella O'Neil was re-inflating one of her tires at the time and saw the accident. She checked on the drivers and then called 911.

    Injuries: Mr. Mayfeild had some head injuries and a broken wrist. Ms. Cosfeild had some chest injuries, head injuries, and a broken leg.

    Map Used: East Coast USA

    Cars used: Hirochi Sunburst and an Ibishu Pessima.

    Aftermath: Both drivers were taken to the hospital for their injuries. Insurance told both drivers that Ms. Cosfeild was 100% at fault. Mr. Mayfeild did not file a lawsuit or any charges against her. "Some people just gotta learn the hard way." Mr. Mayfeild told police.


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  12. Dealercrash

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    Apr 1, 2016
    Crash Description: During the New Zealand race in the ProCar Championship, James crashed his Vortex race car into the guard rails, then flipped two times before finally landing upright. The track marshals immediately came to the race track to help James out. As one of them ran on track, Robert ran into the track marshal, killing him instantly and spinning out Robert. This resulted in James car exploding without any track marshals to help James' car.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged: James' car: Silhouette body parts ripped off, engine fire damaged and front and rear suspension broken. Fuel tank also ruptured
    Roberts car only sustained a bent radiator and damaged body panels.

    Estimated Repair Cost and/or Totaled: James' car is totaled, and Roberts car was decommissioned.

    Injuries (If Any): The track marshal was instantly killed, and James had 3rd degree burns over his face, chest and legs, and also a lightly fractured neck, barely surviving.

    Map Used: Automation Test Track

    Car(s) Used (you don't have to include authors): Pessima ProCar

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc): Civetta withdrew from that season in 1990 and James is still alive today, albeit with difficulties several months after. The Vortex team continued soon after their next car was created, and a funeral was created at that specific track for Michael (the track marshal)

  13. tsunamidrew

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    Apr 5, 2016
    Description: On July 8th,2015 Professional race driver Mike Phelps was on racing on the Greenway Raceway in Ontario till he went though a barrier causing him to fall on the sand bellow

    Injuries (If any): Mike had a broken finger

    Map Used: Green Coast

    Car Used: Mitsubishi Evo

    Aftermath: N/A



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  14. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    Description: Terry Douglas was driving back to his garage in his 1999 Suburban after helping a Client with his engine when Alicia Montana, driving a 2009 Hirochi Sunburst, forgot to look to the left when turning onto the main road. This resulted in an accident, Alicia's Sunburst spun into the dirt while Terry tried to regain control of the car, but failed.

    Injuries: Alicia had a broken left leg and wrist. Terry had a small cut to the forehead and bruises on his legs.

    Map: Utah, USA

    Cars used: 1999 Chevrolet Suburban, Hirochi Sunburst Hatchback.

    Aftermath: Terry did not file any Lawsuits/ Charges against Alicia. Insurance ruled out that Alicia was at fault. Both vehicles were totaled.

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  15. iva.rpm

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    Jul 29, 2018
    Description: In the morning of August 13, 1989, Klaus Kärcher, the official ETK test driver, was driving a red 3000i around a racetrack, because of a publicity work. They were shooting some pictures for the upcoming ETK "Born On Track" advertisement campaign, used to promote the facelifted I-Series, which was due to be released in October for the 1990 model year. Around the end of the shooting, Klaus tried to correct the car in the main straight, lost control and crashed into the start/finish line metal structure. Luckily, he was able to brake and avoid a bigger crash.
    Injuries (if any): Klaus was unhurt in the crash, although he was a bit shocked. The car was written off, since the monoblock was affected.
    Map: Industrial Site.
    Car(s) Used: ETK 3000i.
    Aftermath: ETK decided to use the pictures taken before the crash for the campaign. Klaus admitted he was wrong, and ETK decided not to fire him. As of 2018, he still works as the ETK official test driver. He also released an autobiography in 2017, called "Raised on Track", where he tells about his life as a test driver for a big German automaker. In the book, he described his 1989 crash as the scariest moment of his life, as well as the biggest mistake of his career.

    Pictures taken before the crash and used for the "Born On Track" advertisement campaign:

    Pictures of the crashed car:

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  16. tsunamidrew

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    Apr 5, 2016
    on October 24th,2012 Steven Owen, 21 driving his green Pessima was driving behind Howard Shields,47 driving a etk 800 Steven angrily tried to overtake Howard but lost control and collided with the etk causing minor damages to both vehicles

    Injuries (if any): Howard had serious cuts from a broken window

    Cars Used: Pessima (In djploppers pack) 800 series (already in game)

    Map used: Stairway Mountain

    Aftermath: Steven was charged with careless driving and sentenced 8 mouths in prison Howard didn't do any lawsuit



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  17. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    May 6, 2012. Michael Baldwin was driving back to the Warehouse after delivering wood to a construction site when he forgot to check for oncoming traffic. Jess Goodfeild was driving to a party at the time. Jess could not slow down in time to avoid the turning semi and smashed into it. The passenger side of the vehicle was crumpled. Witness 1, Alicia Montana (Driving a black Oldsmobile), states that the Semi did not even stop at the Intersection and just turned without hesitation. Witness 2, Mark Patterson (Driving a cyan Gavril Traveler), caught the incident on his dashcam and showed the footage to the police when they got to the scene.

    Injuries: Jess got a concussion, a broken wrist, and several cuts and bruises. Michael was shaken up.

    Map: Utah, USA.

    Cars used: 2001 Gavril D Series, 2012 Gavril Traveler, 1977 T-Series T75, 1975 Oldsmobile (Codename: Oldsfullsize)

    Aftermath: Jess successfully filed a 15,000 Dollar lawsuit against Michael.

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  18. ConcordeLXi

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    May 3, 2017
    Crash Description: June 7, 1986. 27-year-old Theo Whittle just bought his new Toyota Corolla GT-S from the Utah Toyota dealership. He's stopped at an intersection behind 23-year-old Rob Severins, who is in his Dodge Coronet SuperBee with his girlfriend, 21-year-old Marcella Vega. John Heeren, 42, is driving his Oldsmobile Delta 88 down the highway. They went over a blind hill and couldn't see the cars in time to stop. They hit the back of Whittle's Toyota, which then hit Severins' Coronet.

    Parts of Car Critically Damaged: Olds: front fascia
    Toyota: front, rear
    Dodge: rear

    Estimated Repair Cost and/or Totaled: Coronet: totaled
    Toyota: totaled
    Olds: repairable, $500 in repairs

    Injuries (If Any): Theo Whittle had injuries to his neck and hand.

    Map Used: Utah, USA

    Car(s) Used (you don't have to include authors): Dodge Coronet, Toyota AE86, Oldsmobile Delta 88

    Aftermath (lawsuit etc): none

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  19. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    July 21, 2015. Jeremy White was turning out of a small "Parking" lot when Harrison O'Neil, driving without headlights, hit Jeremy. 4 seconds after the first impact, Sara Allens side swiped Jeremy's truck.

    Injuries: Jeremy had a broken ankle, broken wrist, and a few broken toes/ fingers. Harrison had a large bruise on his forehead. Sara was a bit shaken.

    Map used: East Coast USA

    Cars used: 1999 Ibishu Pessima, 1989 Gavril D Series.

    Aftermath: Harrison was charged with wreckless driving while Jeremy filed a 12,00 dollar lawsuit against Harrison.
    "Its like I'm a car accident magnet" Jeremy said to police. "It happened in Roane, now its happening here".

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  20. tsunamidrew

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    Apr 5, 2016
    On August 4th,2018 Jack Smith is driving his 2 day old etk s series listening to nightcore but due to driving 100 mph in a 60 he hits a bridge barrier and skids across the road and nearly fall off a cliff

    Injuries: Jack had no injuries due to the Etk impact detection feature

    Map used: Utah,Usa

    Cars used: etk s series

    Aftermath: the next day he got $500 fine for speeding



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