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I7 or Xeon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nicknfs, Aug 7, 2017.


Should I get

  1. I7 3770k

    23 vote(s)
  2. Dual E5-2650

    1 vote(s)
  3. Ryzen!

    14 vote(s)
  1. nicknfs

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    Jan 15, 2016
    I need to build a pc and I have a hard time choosing whether I should go the route of an i7 or a Xeon. Should I get an i7 3770k with an asus sabertooth z77 mobo and oberclock it, or get a dual socket mobo with 2 e5-2650 cpus. I'm going to do some gaming and little bit of video rendering. The Xeon build will come out a little bit more expensive then the i7 build. I'm just afraid the dual xeo.will bottleneck the gtx 1060 or 1070 that I will get. I'm also not that rich to make a new ryzen 7 build unfortunately. Thank you!
  2. buddy boyo

    buddy boyo
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    Jan 9, 2016
    that i7 is way way better for gaming, and yeah those xeons will bottleneck your 1060 or 1070
  3. gigawert

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    Sep 6, 2015
    It's hard to say, you're asking about an older generation i7. Xeons are older with less technology and they're meant for servers though.
  4. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Go R5 1600 and then when Zen 2 comes out the get an 8 core, Am4 is going to be a long haul and last a while and investing into DDR 3 is a bit silly now..
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. TopKick

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    Aug 3, 2016
    Like Michaelflat said I would avoid ddr3 if possible because prices on new ddr3 ram is only going to go up as it becomes more and more outdated (used ram is usually cheap though). As for your cpu I would go with one of the new Ryzen quadcores (I forgot the name) or if you can stretch your budget a bit I'd go with a Ryzen 1600x that would work good for video encoding and such. And to save a bit of money (if needed) a Geforce GTX 1050ti is one heck of a card for the price, depending on the games you want to play. Also video card prices are a little high right now so I would recommend waiting until they become cheaper. Hope this helps :D

    Edit: Prebuilts right now are cheaper than building a new system so i'd take a look at those too.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. wearyNATE15

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    Oct 15, 2015
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    On a budget, consider:
    MSI or Asrock brand B350 AM4 motherboard, with AMD Ryzen 1200 quad core 4 thread cpu, if you can afford to bump up to a 1400 quad core 8 thread chip, do so, there is also the more expensive 1600 six-core twelve thread model. Get what you can afford!
    The bare minimum amount of ram applies here, and that is 8gb. DO NOT have less than 8gb, but 16gb is preferred. Ryzen performance is tied closely to memory speed, but get something that works with the motherboard you're choosing. Read some forums and find some good "Samsung B-die memory" as those modules usually have better luck. 2933mhz memory compared to 2133mhz memory will bump up Beamng.drive physics by 10% at the same clock-speed of CPU. Get what you can afford, though high-mhz and low cas-latency is best. This is pricey right now!
    The X models of Ryzen DO NOT come with a cooler, the NON-X versions *DO* come with a cooler, get a non-X, the cooler that is included works well enough to even stay in comfortable temperatures with some overclocking, and overclocking is very easy here.

    IF you need a power supply...EVGA power supply (cheapest with decent quality and won't murder your components or explode violently as readily as no-name china-brand power supplies), Amazon.com has them dirt cheap.
    Don't waste your money on out-dated technology. Unless your PC is unworkable, don't buy someone else's trash. Save your money up for something better for a little while, or sell some stuff. Buy a motherboard, cpu, and memory. You'll need a new version of Windows if you have Windows 10 OEM or it will deactivate and I am not sure if you can re-activate 10 on new hardware, this doesn't apply if yours is the retail version of Windows which is okay with hardware upgrades.

    If you keep buying used components, you'll be doing so on a yearly basis. If you buy something new you'll be set for a few years. Ryzen will run circles around that 3770k in Beamng.drive physics.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. nicknfs

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    Jan 15, 2016
    I've been thinking of Ryzen for the past 3 days now and you guys have helped me make my decision. I will upgrade the cpu when Ryzen 2 comes out. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nGmynn (I already have a h80i laying around so no cooler in parts)
    I'm having a hard time choosing whether I should get that motherboard or gigabyte ga-ab350-gaming 3 or Mai b350 gaming pro carbon. Btw I need some gb in my life, that's why I have though about those mobos. Also that ram is not final and the gpu I'm still thinking if I should get the gtx1050ti or gtx 1060. If someone has a better parts list plz share it. My absolute max is $500 without gpu. $450 is better though
  9. Jsap20

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    Jun 26, 2016
    Ryzen features more threads, in my personal tests it works best for multiple vehicles for less money
  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Ryzen 1700x with 2933mhz cas 17 memory DUAL CHANNEL out-performs intel 6900k with cas 16 2400mhz memory QUAD CHANNEL, by 10% in Beamng.drive calculations, at the same processor clock-speed on both chips (which was as-tested, 3.4ghz, how fast you can make yours go, varies by motherboard, power supply, memory, cooling, and the processor 'silicon lottery' itself).
    Look up the Silicon Lottery website if you wish to have a cherry-picked CPU and pay a few bucks extra for that garunteed OC.
    You won't need to de-lid Ryzen or Threadripper AMD CPU's, they are soldered heat-spreaders on those cpu. Intel CPU (all new consumer i-series) uses paste to attach heat-spreader to cpu die, and it can be an issue when pushing it past spec, or in my case, getting the processor to hold it stock clocks (sorry, no more intels for me, I had to take my 4790k apart and use liquid ultra on it).

    Anandtech and Guru3d and many other sites state the Ryzen and Threadripper aren't solely for gaming, that's not the best forte, but in games with lots of threads, or applications with huge hour-long jobs like encoding/rendering, etc, Threadripper/Ryzen are definitely up to the job.
    Beamng.drive performs best on a reasonably priced Ryzen processor. If this is your favorite 'game', do go grab one without hesitation. If you'd conversely rather have the highest FPS (whether you can use the extra fps or not!) on your brand new copy of HALLWAY SHOOTER 9000 (no offense), intel may be a better option, but you'll pay 50~100% more for it.

    Crashboompunk on youtube provided to me the results (with proof / screengrabs) of Ryzen 1700x performance vs his intel i7 6900k.
    I have no results on the newer i9 series except what is given by the reviewers mentioned previously above.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Jsap20

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    Jun 26, 2016
    Yeah intel died, their prices kill... a pc 3 times weaker than mine is $500
  12. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    They've far from died, but if you want more processor on the cheap, the AMD is really a good option. If it comes down to Beamng.drive performance, get the cheaper option between the two companies, but again, buy what you can afford. If money isn't a question, you get what you want to get, or you just won't be happy. Money wasn't a concern when I built this tower, however, now I might consider saving a few bucks with the AMD option over the intel option (since we now have this option), as the small difference in FPS for lightly-threaded or single-threaded tasks in favor of the intel i5/i7 k-series, wouldn't be missed; in favor of many more cores, which I could most-certainly make use of in Beamng.drive or Cities Skylines.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Jsap20

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    Jun 26, 2016
    Agreed. Until Amd made proscesors that outperform for cheaper, Intel really needs to drop their prices for budget gamers
  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    3770k + Z77 is a dated platform, it's already maxed out to what it can max go, plus, they aren't making new higher-tier motherboards for it anymore. You'll be buying into dead-end tech with that.
    Ryzen 1600 + B350 motherboard of your choosing will be reasonably cheap + have all the newest USB, M.2 NVME, all-Sata III ports, DDR-4, etc. You'd get 6 cores and 12 threads, each core would out-perform the 3770k in Beamng.drive easily (no contest here), plus almost all other games would run better with the Ryzen, and would allow you to stream + still run the game better than the 3770k with no streaming.
    It's your choice, if you spend your money wisely, you won't be in this predicament again in 6 months!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. Jsap20

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    Jun 26, 2016
    Yep, Amd took the lead this year, but your opinion will determine your enjoyment of performance... good luck, you have our support...
  16. andreasus

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    May 19, 2016
    LIke everybody here said, just go for the Ryzen 5 1600, here is a comparison to the i7 3770K, single threaded is almost as good as the i7 and multi threading is a lot better with the ryzen. Also these synthetic benchmarks may vary and gaming performance is also different.
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