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Suggestion Vehicle configuration driver ragdoll?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zero_code_name_Reaper, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. Zero_code_name_Reaper

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    Nov 9, 2015
    So we have seen the stig in a few vehicle mods put into the driver's seat as well as a test dummy but only in community made mods.

    Would having the option of being able to put a driver in the driver's seat of BeamNG original vehicles via the vehicle configuration be a splendid idea?

    I mean looking at the vehicle in orbit camera while doing 80mph and no occupants feels like a ghost is driving.
    When i see whatever i am driving hit a barrier at 50mph i don't just want to see the vehicle crumple i also want to see some activity inside the vehicle.
    Weather that being a test dummy ragdolling inside or getting launched through the windshield perhaps even the stig.

    Now i am not a modder and don't know how to do any of this but having this feature would be nice.
    I kind of hope BeamNG considers possibly adding this into the game.

    It would add into the physics simulator as this is what i believe was the base idea of the game.

    Anyone else share maybe not all but have the same thought?
  2. Carlover0529

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    Feb 21, 2013
    Use the search bar. On multiple occasions the devs have answered that no this will not be implemented. Getting the ragdoll to conform to the seat in each different car would be a pain in the a$$, and it would get Beam a "mature" rating, which would hike up the legal age to play, which, in turn, would decrease the amount of customers. So no, it's not happening, and not being considered.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Glitchy

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    May 26, 2015
    I'm going to be completely honest here..

    This is not accident simulator...
  4. Zero_code_name_Reaper

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    Nov 9, 2015
    I am a bit confused on how that would give the game a "mature" rating if it's a test dummy.
    Though i can understand it being a legit pain implementing it in.

    Just don't understand what's wrong with a simple test dummy.
    Not sure how that would give it a "mature" rating not that i'm sure what all requirements would make it considered mature aside from AC/AL/N/V blood and gore.

    Not trying to start a argument just looking for a answer to help understand.
    I say that because in person and text doesn't get interpreted the same way.
  5. Zero_code_name_Reaper

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    Nov 9, 2015
    That makes perfect sense.
    Still doesn't answer why it would get a "mature" rating though. :confused:
  6. CaptainZoll

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    Nov 10, 2016
    ratings are weird things, it's better to just play it safe in this situation.
    plus, If YOU learn how to jbeam, YOU could port the dummy into all the cars!;)
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